Chapter 11

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Sweet Candy

Author's POV

The next day, Yoona wondered if how things are going on between Sehun and Luhan. She plan it all. She purposely texted Sehun using Luhan's phone for them to talk. She also texted Luhan that she want to meet him but she didn't came that night because she extended her working hour at the cake shop. It's morning already and she thought of waiting for the two outside as she want to check if they really are good now.

Half hour passed and no one hasn't come out yet. She tried to listen to Sehun's door as she thought he might not be there. All she could hear is footsteps and she's not sure if he'll come out anytime.


Yoona hurriedly stood up and face that someone calling her. Right, nice timing.

"Oh, h-hi Luhan! Goodmorning"

She stutters as she greet Luhan hoping he did not see her like eavesdropping like stupid

"Uhm, you're waiting for Sehun?"

"What? N-no! Ofcourse not. I was just uhm, enjoying the hallway...?"

She lies as she lean on the door. But somethinghad happened before she knew it. The door opens causing her to fall gladly the guy who came out catch her. But there's one little problem. He's shirtless.

"What the?!!"

He exclaims as he was holding her facing his bare chest.

"Y-yah!!!! Stop holding me you pervert!"

She said as she push him away.

"Mwo? Pervert??! What are you even doing infront of my door and-"

He stop as he notice Luhan is there, watching them.

"Out of my way"

He said as he went upstairs maybe getting his clothes hanged there. It was an awkward silence between the two of them not until Yoona spoke up breaking the silence.

"I-I'll be going ahead now then"

She said as she was about to go when Luhan stop her to.

"Yoona wait"

She face her as he lend her a helmet.

"Let me take you ride to school"

Yoona didn't hesitate and smiled at him. This is her first time riding a motorcycle and not to mention, Luhan's motorcycle! This really is happening right now. She was ready to give her feelings up for him before but then now it's like he is the one pushing her not to.

Sehun saw the both of them from the rooftop. He was looking at them like he is not so happy for his friend. He's looking at them like an assassin who would kill any minute.


All he could say as he leave there. Back from Yoona and Luhan, he let her rode at the back and put on the helmet. She was not sure if she'll hold on to Luhan's waist so she jus hold on to his shoulder.

"Yoona, you're going to fall if you'll hold on there. Put it on my waist"

Yoona flushed with what he said. At the waist? His waist?! Her school is just a walk away but she accepted his offer to take a ride with him. Now she will put her hand around his waist making her feel it was a back hug.


All she can say. Her helmet is close but she can smell his perfume. She can smell that scent all day. It was somehow hypnotizing her. She wonder what Luhan is using. She would want to buy it herself and spray it on herself to smell just like him. She didn't notice that she was so near him like her head is on Luhan's back already lingering Luhan. He felt a slight electric static on his neck as Yoona's head is on the back of his neck. Did she felt asleep? She was wearing helmet but the feeling is like her whole body is on Luhan's back and it shivers him as if Yoona is a block of ice.

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