Chapter 5

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Author's POV


Your smile is as sweet as a candy

Your eyes is like the sun that's shinning and sunny

I don't meant to be scary

I just want you to know I like you.. Am I being funny?

I see you everyday

In your motorcycle, getting away

How I wish you could feel this too

The happiness in me when I see you

Before this letter end,

You won't believe who I really am

Continue to smile to everyone

To that everyone, I am one ❤


Luhan smiles as he finished reading the letter, a poem to be exact. He don't know why but he can't stop smiling at that letter. It is the first time he received such poem that strucks him so much. He experienced receiving letters back in highschool but this is the first time he receives a poem. Sweet and funny at the same time.

"Who are you"

He said as he closed the letter and put it on the table beside his bed.

Meanwhile, Yoona can't stop thinking about the letter he gave to Luhan. Will he accept it? Will he know that it was her? Will he ignore it? Will he hates it? She just can't take this pressure because of a crazy idea. Thanks to that song she heard last night.

"Yoona-ssi, are you ok?"

Hayoung ask her as she is not listening to the professor.

"Oh, uhm yeah. I'm ok"

She replied

"You look like you are thinking something serious there. Did something happened?"

She ask her worried. Maybe she's right. That something is serious and she just want to turn back time 20 minutes ago and prevent herself to give that letter to Luhan.

"It's nothing. I'm just sleepy"

She said lying. Well atleast she won't be seeing him often now since she has work and it is until 9 in the evening wherein most of her neighbors are already in their rooms probably eating or even sleeping. She like that. He wouldn't suspect her by that.

Later on, during their lunch at the cafeteria, Yoona felt quite shy towards Hayoung. Well it's really nothing but the fact that Hayoung is her boss and she's hanging out with her. It's odd and awkward. Although she is her friend first before she became her boss it still is weird.

"Yoona, what's a matter? You've been like that since morning. Are you really ok?"

Hayoung said so worried

"Oh, no, its just that... I feel weird"

She answered paying attention to her food


"Yeah. Cause, you're my boss and I'm hanging out with you"

Hayoung just laugh at that thought. It's nothing to her. Nothing really is different for Hayoung. But Yoona feeling weird of that makes her cute in the eyes of Hayoung.

"You're too adorable Yoona-ssi. Disregard that fact when were in school. Just think of me as your friend alright?"

"N-neh Miss- I mean Hayoung-ssi"

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