Chapter 23

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A Night to Forget

Author's POV

"You okay chicken feet?"

Sehun ask by the time Yoona went outside the airport. He knew she isn't but he asked her anyway.

"Of course I'm not. Luhan is going away and I'm not used to it"

"C'mon, it's not like you're his girlfriend or anything to worry about him. Right?"

Yoona thought he still doesn't know about them. Sehun was just testing her if she will tell him the truth.

"Well, you know I like him right? I'm just upset that someone I like had gone away"

He was quite disappointed. Why would she lie about their relationship? Do they think he was not trustworthy? He's their friend for Pete's sake! He felt like they do thin he is.

"If you say so"

He said as he handed her the helmet. Yoona felt like his mood changed. Maybe it has to do with Luhan she thought.

When they got back to the apartment, it was already 5pm and meaning, she has to go to work.

"Thank you for the ride Sehun"

She said as she started to walk going to the cake shop. Sehun stops her as he need to talk to her about Luhan.

"Why is it hard for you? For both of you"

He started. He looks so mad that made Yoona a little confuse.

"Wh-what are you talking about?"

She asked a little uncomfortable because of the grip.

"About you being a liar"

He let go of her and Yoona seems puzzled.

"Why didn't you tell me about your relationship with hyung? Why did you lie to me?"

Yoona became red. She never thought Sehun would know. Well why he wouldn't? He is Luhan's friend and their neighbor too. At first, words didn't come out as she doesn't have the idea where to start.

"Sehun, I... Look, I really want to tell you but I was just waiting for Luhan to tell you since you're a very important person to him. I didn't mean to lie"

Sehun looked straight to her. Sehun hates liars.

"You made me look like stupid. Both of you"

He said as he left. He was mad. Mad indeed. Yoona didn't follow. She was guilty seeing him mad at her and Luhan. They became friends because of Luhan and now she broke that friendship also because of Luhan. What else she can do now?

"I'm sorry"

She said as she watched him go.

The next day comes and Yoona thought of making some pudding for Sehun. She hopes that food might help him cool down because of not telling him the truth. She knocks at his door but there's no response. She looked at her wrist watch and it's still 7:30 in the morning so he might still be inside. She waited for a minute but still no response then maybe Sehun is still mad.

She left the 2 jars of pudding and a note outside his door. She wrote a simple "I'm sorry" and left.

She was thinking of Sehun throughout the day than Luhan. She was very affected on what had happened. She feels like she was a big fat liar to a friend. She doesn't even have the mood for studying so she just stared at the window like a hihschool girl.

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