Chapter 27

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A whole New start

8 years later

Author's POV

"Gentlemen, I want you to meet the woman who caught my heart, Oh Hayoung. Honey, these are the men in my clan"

Siwan said introducing his buddies to his wife. Hayoung and Siwan ended together in the end. Hayoung used to hate him but we all have the saying 'the more you hate, the more you love'.

Sehun was one of the guests. Hayoung was the one who invited him to see the exhibit of Siwan. Siwan ended up being a photographer and he became so famous all over the world. He went back to Korea to make his own exhibit with high profile guests.

Sehun was busy looking at the photos taken by Siwan. He was really indeed a talented photographer. He remembered well when Siwan is still in college together with Yoona. He gave it all up pursuing his dream and the thing he really loves.

8 years have been passed and it seems like it was yesterday when he had his last conversation with Yoona.

"a penny for your thoughts?"

Sehun looked at the person next to him and it's Hayoung.

"oh, noona. Nice exhibit and dress"

He said looking at Hayoung. Hayoung is wearing a black cocktail satin dress and a silver handbag.

"Thanks, you too"

She said. Sehun is looking good too with his white polo and greenish black suit and a skinny trousers. He looks so cool as the first 2 buttons of his polo is unbutton. He looks so mature and masculine different from the skinny childish Sehun he was before.

"thanks. How's your business?"

He asked.

"So far so good. By the way, how is Yoona? Do you have any contact with her?"

Sehun didn't answer as he looks at the pictures once again. Ever since that day that he went away, he never had connections with Yoona until the time that she graduates. Sehun went to his dad and his dad enrolled him in a business school. His dad actually gave him everything he needed since he told him so.

He had his own condo unit and now that he finishes schooling, he builds his own company and made it a success. He also own some resort around the country. Sehun is literally a rich man now. So far from the high schooler he was before. He became so successful that he even doesn't have to work since there a lot of people to do that for him.

"You I don't noona"

He simply said.

"You still like her?"

An awkward question. Honestly, he doesn't know as well. Maybe he already moved on.

"I have a girlfriend already noona c'mon"

He said as he let out a chuckle.

"I see. Is she your 21st girlfriend?"

She asked teasing Sehun. Within that 8 years, Sehun has been relationships with different girls.


He said correcting Hayoung.


She said and later on Siwan joins them.

"I see you two are enjoying my exhibit"

Siwan said with a tone of jealousy.

"Tss, stop it Siwan, Sehun here has his date"

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