Chapter 14

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Old Friend

Author's POV

"What do you mean you don't have any choice!"

Yelled Sehun . He called her that night but she keeps on hanging it up and texted him she couldn't because she's with Tiffany. But when it was about 1 in the morning, she called him back and told him to talk in the rooftop for them not to disturb anyone.

"Look, Tiffany likes him ok? I can't compete with my bestfriend you know. I love her and this is the least I can do for her"

"Great. For a friend! How sweet of yours huh!"

"You don't understand! Tiffany, Tiffany is so special to me. I don't want to let her down because she... She's always been there for me all this years and I haven't done anything for her"

Sehun rolled his eyes with the things she is saying.

"So that's it? You will let someone take away Luhan just like that? I won't allow it chicken feet. You know how I treated you just because I don't like you for hyung and I can do it again if I have to-"


She said cutting him up.

"Please don't do it to Tiffany. If there's someone to blame it's me. She have nothing to do with this"

Then she held his hand as she plead for him not to do the things he did when he found out about her having feelings with his friend. Sehun just sighs in frustration.

"Forget it. Luhan would not like her back anyway"

He said confidently letting go with her hand.

"What? Why not?"

"I just know. Luhan is not acting strange with Tiffany unlike when he sees you"

With that, Yoona flushed as she is having a little hope in her that he might have a thing. But of course she would not say it unless it comes out to himself.

"How can you say that?"

"Who else have been with him for a long time huh? Who else spends a time in his apartment and see and observe all the things he is doing"

"I guess, I guess you're right. But still"

"Still what???"

"I-I.. I have to stop this feelings of mine"

"How old are you again? You're acting so immature chicken feet. You're not even fighting for it"

"You know, it's not being immature. If you give up something so important to you for someone, it's sacrifice and that's an adult thing that someone still in high school wouldn't understand"

She said as she sighs and smiles.

"It's getting cold here now. You better get back to bed Sehun. G-Goodnight"

Sehun remains standing there and looking at the city lights. He still don't want to go to bed. He keeps on thinking about what she have said.

"Adult thing... *smirk* Very funny"

He said to himself as he exhales. Sehun thought, how is he being so tangled about them anyway. It is not so him that he would waste a time helping a girl to the guy she likes. But he can't help it when he's with Yoona. He enjoys how things are working out and he cannot understand why people like Yoona would want to waste an effort for someone else to take the benefit. Besides, he don't like anyone else for Luhan other than Yoona.

The following day, Yoona woke up early to catch up an assembly in her school. Tiffany is still fast asleep so she didn't bother to wake her up. She prepared a breakfast for her and a note saying she left for an assembly and she can't afford to miss it. When she was about to go, someone knocks on her door and when she opens it, it was Luhan with the containers from last night.

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