Chapter 30

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Seducing Luhan

Author's POV

"Beautiful... porcelain skin... sexy"

Yoona smiled at her own reflection on the mirror.

"Perfect. Luhan here I come! Just wait and see the new version of me"

She twirled around wearing her flimsy summer dress. She also wears some makeup to enhanced her look. Even though she became a doctor/business woman, she hasn't change about herself. She never wears makeup but only bb cream and she's done. But now it's different. She has an agenda.

After looking at herself in the mirror for the last time, she walked out of her room. She was walking with pride and confidence as she takes the path going to the main den of that resort. Yes. Instead of taking care of her patients and her business, here she is somewhere in Korea and making herself beautiful. Well, for a good cause since she was too stressed out from work. She needed a break and so she took a break. And while taking a break, she took advantage of that to take actions.

Every guest is looking at her but she doesn't have any time to look at them cause she is looking at the guy behind her "vacation". Then not for long, she found him. She found Luhan talking to some guys and discussing something.

She overheard a conversation of Luhan on the phone one day he went to check the wedding cake. Luhan excuses himself since someone called so she accidentally heard him going to a resort in Boracay for a business trip. For that, she book a flight going to the Philippines. Stalker it might call but she just can't let this chance go on a waste. Like what Sehun told her, she would never give up without a fight.

She went to a table near the place where Luhan is then she pretended that she is scanning the menu but the truth is she was just trying to get his attention.

"Would you like to order something ma'am?"

The waiter asks her smiling. She didn't even look at the menu.

"I'd like a cup of coffee please"

She said making the waiter confuse. A coffee? Really? At noon? In the Philippines? During summer? In a resort? The waiter just scratches his head as he gets her some cup of coffee.

She continues to pretend not to recognize Luhan at the other table but then, she can see at the corner of her eyes that Luhan stood up. This is it. Luhan will finally recognize her and they will have a good time together. She was about to look in front of her when...

"Hi! What are you doing here?"

Sehun said literally blocking her view!

"I'm taking care of my love life. And you? What the heck are you doing here?"

"I own this place."

Sehun owns this place?! Is he serious right now? How?

"You're kidding"

"I'm not. Have you somewhat read the title of this resort? It says 'OSH resort'."


Sehun just put his arm on the armrest of the chair and then he found Luhan there too. He sighs as he feels so disappointed.

"Seriously Yoona?"

"You told me to fight for my feelings"

She said pouting.

"I told you to fight for your feelings, not to stalk him"

Since she is guilty, she easily became irritated.

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