Chapter 28

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Author's POV

Yoona was shocked to see Sehun beside her. She grab a cab to go home after the exhibit that she attended but then Sehun followed her.

"Hi" he said smiling.

"What the heck are you doing?"

She said irritated. Sehun just pat the driver and told him to just drive straight. Yoona didn't have the chance to go out since Sehun is holding her skinny arm. She gave him a death glare. A glare that could kill him right now.

"No, to Yongsan drive please"

She was irritated seing him again.

"Don't give me that look. Why did you leave me there? Did you know I almost died in there?"

He said as he wipes something on his cheek.

"What?" She asked.

"Is it still there?"

He asked showing his cheek to her.

"The kiss mark. Darn that girl for kissing me. It's your fault you know. Where did you go anyway? I can't find you even though the venue is so small"

"What are you saying? Can you get away from me? I don't like being close to you"

"Oh really? You're feeling awkward?"

He said teasing her. Yoona was so irritated to him seeing this new side of him.

"Can you just go out of the cab? You have your own car I'm sure"

"No way. The least you can do for leaving me with those women is to let me ride with you Dr. Im"

She looked at him in shocked calling her 'DR'.

"Oh, I'm liking your shocked face now. I had a small talk with one of the doctors who attended the exhibit and he mentioned your name. Although it's Im but I'm pretty sure it's you"

Actually, Yoona planned not to go but when her superior asked her to, then she doesn't have any choice. She also accepted the invitation since it's Hayoung and Siwan. Her batchmates.

"Fine, you know something about me. Good for you Mister"

"I hate you calling me mister"

"I don't care"

"I miss you"

Yoona didn't answer. Is it really necessary for him to bring it up?

"I already had enough problems on my own Sehun. Can you just stay out of it?"

"Don't tell me you feel uneasy towards me"

He said teasing. She hated it. How can this little kid before turns out to be so hot, and flirty?

"I don't. I'm just not used to being with someone so annoying"

"what happened to you by the way? I mean, how's life? Got any boyfriend?"

"If I do will you stop flirting with me?"

"Me? Flirting?"

Sehun let out a laugh kind a insulting.

"Yoona, you got it wrong. I just want you to be my shield"

"I already had a job"

"Just a favor from you c'mon. Aren't we friends?"

"Used to"

"You're so rude"

"I don't care"

"Yoona, just say yes please? Those women are so annoying and I can't get rid of them but when you came into the picture, it changes it all. You're an effective shield. I don't have an idea why those women even flirt with me and I'm hating it."

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