Allison angel x depressed!reader

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When Alice ran outside of where you both stood, watching Henry battle his old, now mutilated friend... you knew that nothing good could come out of it.

You followed, peering through the doorway to watch what would happen. You weren't anywhere as strong as her- at least, in your mind, you weren't. Alice was your life. She kept you sane.

When two figures rose from the floor behind her, you let out a shriek of warning. "Alice!" You cried.

But it was too late. Alice let out a choked sound, falling to the ground. You gasped, covering your mouth.

"Alice, I- Alice, no!"

You ran from your hiding spot, not caring when the newcomers and Henry turned to you in confusion.

"Alice, baby!" You sobbed, kneeling down beside her body. "You can't leave me, not now..."

But her body soon was no more. It dissolved into a puddle of ink, like nothing was ever there.


You felt something cold and mettalic grab you by the back of your shirt. "No!" You sobbed, struggling. "Leave me alone, please!"

You were lifted off of the ground by the Boris look-alike. A woman stepped in front of you, and your eyes widened.

She looked almost just like her, but... more complete. Your Alice.

"Name?" She demanded, ignoring Henry for the time being.

You were shaking like a leaf. "I-I'm (Y/N)," you whispered, terrified. "I didn't want any of this to happen, I told her not to, I..."

Everything went black. You had passed out.

You woke up on a bed in an unfamiliar place. Sitting up, you held your head as memories rushed back. You were so caught up in grieving that it took you almost an hour to catch the two voices from outside of the room.

Standing up, you quietly peeked out, staring at them- hoping that they wouldn't see you.

"What should we do with them?" The Alice look-alike asked.

Henry shook his head. "I'm not sure. I've never seen them before, but they were with Alice. They must be dangerous."

The Boris look-alike hit his hand with a pipe in a gesture you realized was supposed to look threatening.

It probably would be, if it wasn't a goofy looking wolf doing it.

The girl suddenly turned to you. "So, you're awake," she hummed. The other two turned to you as well.

Immediately, you blushed and ducked out of sight. You didn't even look up at the sound of approaching footsteps.

"I'm Allison," a pretty voice called from above. "What were you doing with Alice?"

You barely caught the question. Allison... it was almost a prettier name than Alice.

Or maybe, that was just the woman's beautiful face making you think like that. You looked up at her, gulping.

"I- me and Alice, we-"

You felt choked up. Alice... "we were together," you squeaked out quietly, battling to keep in tears. "She did horrible things, but she kept me sane, and I loved her, and-"

"Thats enough. I understand," Allison murmured softly, still looking quite curious. She made her way back to the other two, leaving you to sulk, alone.

It took days for you to come to terms with being in here- even with Alice's death. But you were horribly depressed by it.

You wouldn't eat- hell, you barely even moved out of your bed. You slept and silently cried as Allison watched on, feeling a pang of hurt in her heart.

You weren't any trouble. You were just a poor thing that was hopelessly in love with a bad angel.

One night, when Tom was asleep, she made her way into the room. "(Y/N)?" She called softly.

Your eyes blinked open, and you lifted your head. Turning your gaze to her, your eyes widened- she had really entered the room? Quietly, you sat up. But, as always, you were silent.

"You need to eat," Allison called softly to you. "Please. I don't want you to starve."

You were silent for a few moments. "Let me," you hissed, laying back down.

A few moments later, you were forced back up- a bowl of soup forced into your hands. "Eat," Allison commanded, staring into your eyes.

For a moment, all you could see was Alice. You did as she said, quietly beginning to eat.

Maybe this was better for you. No longer seemingly being used- no longer a second errandboy/girl.

Allison sat down beside you, gently patting your shoulder. As you leaned against the angel, you couldn't help it.

You pressed a light kiss to her cheek. And in return, she tilted your face towards herself- pressing her lips against yours in the sweetest kiss you have ever experienced.

Maybe this wasn't as bad as you thought.

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