The Projectionist x child!reader

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A/N: mind if I make Norman talk bc h eh hehdbjsjfjsk also. Can I just say that NOBODY told me that they made it so that The Projectionist could walk up the stairs. Scared the SHIT outta me.

Boris let out a concerned whine as you stepped out of the lift, but you just gave him a small smile. "I'll be ok!" You chirped. Running over, you gave him a hug, humming happily as he quickly returned it.

Not even you were sure of your words- you may be little, but you knew you were in danger. Once the hug was over, you made your way to the body of the Edgar. Taking the heart, you flinched at the sound of the screech.

Quietly, you began on your way off of the platform and into the ink. It came up to your waist, completely soaking your pants. A frustrated whine escaped you as you continued on, struggling to move through the ink.

With how slowly you were trudging through the ink, it didn't take long for The Projectionist to find you. He let out a shriek, sprinting towards you.

Crying out in surprise, you stepped back. You couldn't run through this ink, it was too hard for you. Instead, you just started to cry.

The Projectionist slowed down once he was close, coming to a halt in front of you. He stared down at your tiny frame, taking in your features as he towered over you.

You shouldn't be here. You were just a child. He crouched down, tilting his head.

"... ho-ow did you-ou get h-here?" He sputtered out, voice glitchy from his speaker. When you started crying harder, he gently lifted you up.

"I wo-won't hur-urt you-ou," he said softly, light dimming as he cradled you in his arms. You squirmed for a moment, but quickly calmed down.

He carried you through the ink, gaze scanning the floor. "Wha-what is yo-our na-ame?" He questioned. Finally, you responded.

Rubbing at your still teary eyes, you mumbled out your name. A soft static came from his speaker for a moment. "Well, (Y-Y/N), I i-imag-gine that you-ou nee-eed the hea-earts," he said softly, crouching down to pick one up. You gripped onto him, nodding.

"Alice wanted me to get them," you replied, "but she didn't tell me why."

The Projectionist nodded, reaching to pick up another heart. "I-I'm not sur-urprised," he sputtered out. "I'll h-help yo-ou thou-ugh."

Smiling slightly, you nodded. "Thank you," you hummed. It was silent for a moment.

"Whats your name?" You asked.

"The Pro-rojec-ectionis-st," he replied, idly picking up the fourth heart. You just frowned.

"Thats your real name?" You questioned. "Its not bad, but don't you... have a name like Sammy does? Or Susie?"

He paused for a moment, staring down at you with his light dimmed. "... Norman," he replied. "N-Norman Po-olk."

"I like that name!" You giggled softly, patting his arm. A soft hum left his speaker as he reached down to grab the final heart.

"I'm-m gla-ad," he responded, beginning to walk out of the maze. He looked up at Boris, who was staring down from the platform in concern. Boris reeled back at the sight of him.

The Projectionist wasn't bothered. He continued walking up the stairs, making his way to the upper platform where the lift was.

Boris took a step back, shaking. But he paused when The Projectionist crouched down, setting you on your feet before holding out the hearts to you. You took them with a little grimance but grinned, scampering over to Boris. "Bye, Mr. Polk!" You chirped. "I'll see you soon!"

Norman waved. "G-goodby-bye, (Y-Y/N)."

The two of you parted ways, you going up with Boris and Norman returning back down to the maze. He really didn't expect to see you again.

When he did, though, you were shaking and scared. The Projectionist was confused- he didn't quite remember how he had gotten here- but all his attention focused on you the second that he saw you.

Scooping you up, he cradled you close to his chest as a soft, glitchy hum echoed from his speaker. You snuggled close to him, gripping onto his arm.

"Wh-y a-are you-ou here?" He questioned, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.

You whined softly, eyes falling shut as you leaned into his comforting touch. "I- Alice, sh-she," you wailed softly, "she stole Boris, a-and I had to hur-hurt someone n-named Bertie, and-"

He shushed you, beginning to walk to the back of the room. He pulled the lever, walking to the stairs that had been exposed.

He pulled the lever he needed to get the electricity up and running with no problems.

The problem started on the way out. He continued humming softly as he carried you past the miracle station and down the hall, barely noticing the ink veins.

He whipped around. Bendy was there, staring with a wide grin.

Setting you down, The Projectionist ushered you off. "R-ru-un," he hissed out.

"But-" you cried, stumbling backwards.

"RUN!" he screeched, sprinting at Bendy. He wouldn't let Bendy harm you. You complied, running back out into Bendy Hell.

Normally, The Projectionist wouldn't make it out alive. But his neck did not snap- his dying screech wasn't cut off into silence.

He stumbled out, collapsing onto the ground with a soft groan. You ran over, crying out as you crouched beside him.

He was injured. But he didn't die today.

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