Toon! Butcher Gang x toon! reader

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A/N: Adobe-outdesign really out here sayin that The Butcher Gang can't make asmr smh
Also I had to take Barley out of this bc otherwise I just. Wouldn't be able to finish this rhsjfjej

You sat on the docks, smiling softly at the horizon. Adjusting your vest, you sighed. You'd have to get to work soon.

The good thing? You worked as a bartender. And the bar you worked at happened to let you keep this wonderful view- and was often frequented by your three favorite patrons.

The Butcher Gang. Just about everyone was scared shitless by them. But honestly, in your opinion, they were just a trio of doofs- and two were cute doofs.

Happily stepping into the bar, you slid into place behind the counter and busied yourself with a glass. Polishing it, you absentmindedly gazed around.

There were a few people here. The babble of voices soothed you, familiar and soft.

A familiar laugh drifted in from the door. You looked up, holding back a grin. It was Charley, strolling into the bar like it was his own. But honestly, with how everyone saw the gang, you doubt anyone would say anything if they suddenly claimed the bar as their own.

The two others followed behind him, and you went back to cleaning the glass. The three- as usual- sat at the bar. Charley was still chuckling softly at whatever joke they had made.

Edgar turned, waving you over with a smile. You tried not to show haste as you made your way over, a smile on your face.

"Welcome back, boys," you chirped, "what can I get you?"

By the end of it all, Barley and Charley were... pretty wasted. Edgar was sipping on soda, almost completely sober.

You stood nearby, humming softly. Not many people stayed for long with The Butcher Gang here. Some barely even made it through the door before turning away.

Charley began cackling again, and you couldn't help but smile. Honestly, you couldn't believe yourself right now. You knew that you were poly- all of the relationships you have had involved at least two others. But falling for someone in The Butcher Gang was fairly crazy. For two? That's generally insane.

It didn't take too much longer for them to get going. Edgar had gotten up last, leaving a tip for you before following them out.

Smiling, you picked up the bill he had left you. A note slid out.

"Meet us at the dock tomorrow, 11PM."

Welp. If you got murdered, at least you would be saying goodbye to taxes. Stuffing the bill into your pocket, you stared down at the note. A tiny bit of hope fluttered in your chest.

Finishing up your shift, you made your way home hastily.

They weren't at the bar the next day. You had to admit, you were a little disappointed- but the bar was busy today, so at least you weren't bored.

Thankfully, because of that, your shift didn't seem too long. Collecting your things, you made your way outside.

It was almost time for you guys to meet. You made your way to the docks, gripping the paper in one of your hands.

You looked down at your watch. Just a few minutes. Sitting down at the edge of the dock, you swung your legs slightly as you peered at the dark horizon.

The soft sound of the water and sea birds put you into a dreamy state. You only half registered the footsteps approaching.

"Hey there, (Y/N)," called the gruff, familiar voice of Charley from behind you. Jumping in surprise, you turned to look.

And there they were. Charley, with a big smirk on his face- and Edgar, with a happy smile.

Absentmindedly, you wondered how Edgar even got into the gang.

Nervous, you moved to stand up, but they stepped closer, blocking you in.

You certainly didn't want to dive into the sea while still in your uniform, so you forced yourself to sit still.

A nervous shuffle sounded from behind you as Charley laid a hand on your shoulder. You looked back at him, and he almost choked at your wide-eyed, nervous gaze.

You looked so damn helpless.

"We didn't bring you here to hurt you," he chuckled softly, keeping his cool as he moved to the edge of the dock beside you, sitting down.

Edgar sat at your other side, legs swinging happily as he looked at you.

You felt your cheeks begin to burn with a blush at how close the three of you were. "... why did you bring me out, then?" You questioned softly, fingers gripping the dock.

Edgar was the one to pipe up. "We wanted to ask you if you like us," he said with a smile. Charley grimanced slightly, but he supposed Edgar's straight forward approach worked.

Your face could pass as only the ripest tomato at that moment. "Y-you what?" You squeaked, looking at Edgar before turning to look at Charley, bewildered. Charley only cracked a smirk at you.

"I think we have our answer," he hummed, standing up. Edgar scrambled to his feet as well, a big grin on his face.

"We'll see you tomorrow, toots," he called back to you.

Edgar followed Charley quickly, babbling something happy to him once out of earshot.

You were left on the dock, flustered and trying to reason with yourself if that really just happened.

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