The Projectionist x ink!reader

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A/N: I should be working on the one for The Butcher Gang but I absolutely adore this au and it's what sparked a co-owned oc between me and the requester whomst I adore, so-

A soft wail echoed from the tall platform as the lift began moving back upwards.

A searcher, lost and confused, making their way down the stairs. Crawling towards the ink, they entered with a soft sploosh.

Continuing on aimlessly, they found themselves in a maze of hallways. Letting out a whine, they soon found the one that roamed this inky abyss.

Norman, the Projectionist. A shriek burst from the speaker on his chest as he ran towards them.

The searcher yelped in surprise, a fearful groan escaping them as they scuttled backwards. But Norman never hit them. Instead, he stared at them silently.

The searcher gurgled at him, nervous. Norman gazed around, reaching over and lifting up something from the body of a Butcher Gang member.

He held it out to you. It was an ink heart. Reaching out hesitantly, the searcher took it.

The heart was absorbed into their hand, causing them to squeak- but they became more human-like.

This continued on until the searcher was finally a lost one. They finally could remember who they were.

(Y/N). That was your name. And from that day on, you knew what you had to do.

You would worship Norman, follow him to the ends of the earth if you had to. After all- he was your savior.

Norman seemed confused at first. Why hadn't you left? Why were you following him?

He didn't mind, though. He wasn't alone anymore.

At some point, you had gained a flashlight. Norman watched, silently amused as you held it up to your head.

You smiled at Norman. "I'm you," you giggled, looking around. You could actually see now, too. Turning back to Norman, you watched as he tilted his head.

Smiling, you tilted your head similarly. He watched you for a few more moments before continuing his cycle of walking with a soft coo.

You followed, humming softly as you adjusted your vest. You liked it down here. Toons to watch, very little danger... and your savior.

He was kind. Before you realized that he couldn't eat, you would sometimes bring him soup. He carefully stacked it up on a box within the maze. Whenever a threat would enter, he would shove you into a miracle box.

It was safe to say that you were pretty happy with your life.

One day, while you were fiddling with the audio tape, you heard the lift begin to come down. It opened, and a voice echoed down from the platform.

"I'll be back, Boris. Stay safe."

You turned your gaze up, instantly curious. But a shriek from Norman stopped you- grabbing you, he dragged you into the maze. Pushing you into a miracle station, he made a motion for you to stay quiet before continuing his rounds.

It was, admittedly, pretty damn boring. You fiddled with the flashlight, itching to be able to walk.

The door opened, and you fell out with a yelp of alarm. A surprised yell met you as who you assumed was the man you had heard talking stumbled backwards.

One quick glance at Norman, who was sprinting at full speed now, sent him barreling into the miracle station and slamming the door shut.

Norman quickly scooped you up out of the ink, intruder now forgotten as he carried you deeper into the maze.

"Norman? Norman, I'm fine-"

He just whined, setting you down on a box. Gently, carefully, he examined you to see if you were hurt.

"My lord, I'm fine," you murmured softly. A soft croon was his response as he turned his gaze to your face, his light dimmed to not hurt your eyes.

You gulped, blinking in surprise. He was... awfully close. Not that you could complain.

A soft whine escaped him as he gently bumped his lense into your forhead. You blushed lightly- was that a kiss?

Not bothering to think about it any further, your hands lifted up, gently resting on either side of his projector head. Leaning forwards, you pressed a quick smooch to his lense.

A quiet scree escaped him as he stepped back in surprise. A blush clouded your face. "I'm sorry, I..."

Your voice trailed off, embarrassed. This was your lord you were speaking to. You doubted he would like someone like you- a clumsy little thing in a vest that needed a flashlight if they were to get around without following him closely.

But his response was squeezing you against him with a little beep sound from his speaker. (Y'know zebra finch beeps? Yeah thats Norman)

Inky blood rushed to your cheeks, and you quickly wrapped your arms around him.

Neither of you noticed the sound of the lift going up. Nor did you care.

A/N: is this rushed? Maybe. I can't tell. Im inspired but tired

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