toon! Bendy x toon! reader

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A/N: lowkey got inspired by the video above! I really reccomend watching it if you haven't already.
I made this western themed ig. Don't know why, just felt westerny today.

You didn't even try to escape your restraints. You were on the back of a horse anyways- if you fell, you'd get hurt. And if you fell, you wouldn't be able to run.

"Lets see how long it takes for Bendy to notice his lass is gone," Barley snorted, a wide grin on his ugly mug.

"He probably won't," chirped Edgar, and the trio erupted into laughter. You just rolled your eyes.

This was the third time this month. You weren't even scared at this point, just disappointed.

"Boys," you hissed, "you're just asking for a beating."

Edgar bonked you on the head, making you yelp. "Shut it, tramp," he hissed, and you quickly shut your trap.

You weren't getting knocked out again. Not today.

They soon stopped, throwing you down to the sand. You winced in pain, cursing under your breath- it was burning hot.

As Barley began dragging you off, the realization of what was about to happen hit you.

You were being dragged towards train tracks- fuck, what an unoriginal move. But at the same time, if Bendy didn't arrive in time, you would be hit.

This wasn't just some petty rivalry of stealing the girl and keeping her somewhere. You had a chance of dying.

You began struggling. "Hey, you- this is insane!" You cried, desperately trying to free your hands.

"Quiet down," Charley snarled, "or you'll have to worry about bleeding out before the train hits you."

With a whine, you fell silent. You were placed on the tracks, and Edgar got to work- tying you onto the track.

"Howdy, fellas!" Called a familiar voice.

Straining your neck to look up, you nearly yelled in relief. It was him- Bendy. But he was dressed in the dumbest cowboy outfit you had ever seen, from the moustache, to the hat, to the boots.

The Butcher Gang didn't even realize who it was! Charley turned his gaze onto the demon, crossing his arms.

"Whatdya want," he hissed, "we're busy."

"Busy with what, may I ask?" Bendy hummed, peering at you. He gave you a quick wink. "Ah! I see-"

"Get outta here!" Charley yelled, reaching to grab his gun.

Instead, a rock was slammed into his face. Charlie yelped, covering his nose. "Awe fuck, I-"

Another rock, this time hitting his head. Edgar hissed, pulling out- you guessed it- four guns.

He- he could do that? I mean, made sense, but it seemed like cheating to you.

Bendy ducked to the side, darting behind a large rock as the spider attempted to shoot him. Good aim, but a fast target.

Bendy suddenly hopped up onto the rock, tossing more stones. Edgar let out a squeak as one of the guns was knocked from his hand- then another.

Barley went in for the attack, going in with a lasso. He quickly found himself a little tied up as Bendy gripped the lasso, yanking it from his grip and turning it back on the man.

Bendy tied the rope around a large cactus with a devilish grin before dashing to grab you.

"Bendy, my darling!" You cheered, grinning as the demon helped you out of your restraints. Standing up, you grabbed the sides of his face and pressed a kiss to his lips.

You could basically feel the demon melt in your arms as his tail shaped itself like a heart. With a giggle, you pulled away.

"How about we go back home, toots?" Bendy chuckled, lightly squeezing your hand.

"That would be great, darling."

You pulled him over to one of The Butcher Gang's horses, climbing on. Bendy hopped up with you, grinning that devilish little grin.

With a small hum, the two of you were off- riding back towards town.

Another A/N: hope y'all liked this one too! I'm messing around with some of the toon personalities, but I'm pretty comfy with writing them.

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