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Reyanna was fetching some hot water for her tent when she spotted Jon Snow being led to King Mance's tent

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Reyanna was fetching some hot water for her tent when she spotted Jon Snow being led to King Mance's tent. Her eyes widened at the sight, she wasn't quite sure how she recognized him. Maybe it was the way he was dressed, maybe it was his curly hair that was frosted by snowflakes that many women spoke so fondly of, or maybe Reyanna could just tell when someone was a highborn.

She turned back around to continue pumping the hot water into her bucket, assuming that Jon wouldn't make it out of King Mance's tent alive. He was evidently a crow, he was certainly dressed like one of the men of the night's watch, and King Mance wasn't particularly fond of crows.

It only took Jon Snow a few minutes to speak with King Mance before he was let out of the tent as a free man. Reyanna was shocked to see it. She could've bet her life his head would've been on a stick by that time. But, again, she wasn't too worried. She thought that Jon Snow wouldn't have recognized her regardless if he lived amongst the people of the village now. But, she was wrong.

Jon caught sight of her long, raven hair that was twisted up into tedious braids against her scalp. He looked at her face and cocked his head. He had seen many paintings of the wretched Challinder family, and the woman he was looking at was undoubtedly Reyanna Challinder. She was a spitting image of her mother. He had heard many speculations of where they could have fled, but all of the rumors seemed to be wrong. Because there she was. North of the wall, midst the snowy desert.

He approached her and placed a heavy hand on her shoulder. Reyanna jumped up at the touch and instinctively grabbed his arm and twisted it off of her. Jon yelped at the sudden pain. Reyanna's eyes darkened as she looked up at the bastard. "What do you want with me? Haven't got any bread if that's what you want. And I sure as hell won't let you fuck me." Reyanna spat. Living under King Mance was quite difficult. The village was a bit lawless and everyone had to fight for what little they had. Reyanna was never used of doing such a thing, so she learned quickly to be quite cold hearted and defensive.

"I know you." Jon Snow spoke.

Reyanna let go of his arm and pushed him away from her. He cradled his arm like a baby, rubbing out the pain she had inflicted. "So, who am I?" Reyanna asked, hoping he'd say another name. The wrong name.

"Reyanna Challinder." He stated, quite loudly.

Reyanna rushed up to him and placed her hand on his mouth. "Don't be so loud, crow. Unless you want me to shove my sword up your ass." She threatened.

Jon's eyes widened. She was so aggressive and upfront. He had barely had any interaction with her and she had already harmed him and threatened him. "Come with me." She whispered, removing her hand from his pale lips and taking her buckets of hot water with her.

She led him to her family's tent and caught sight of a naked Stefan laying with one of the whores in the village. "Out." Reyanna commanded.

The white gasped and tried to cover her nude body up. Stefan rolled his eyes. "Rey-" Stefan began.

"Now!" Reyanna raised her voice. Stefan huffed and pulled on his clothes to leave the tent. The whore sped out of the tent with a blanket she had wrapped around her.

"And get our blanket back from her." Reyanna pressed her lips into a thin line.

Stefan nodded at his sister and exited the tent. Reyanna pointed at the small couch they had in their tent and invited Jon to sit. She sat across from him and set the buckets of water down. "Here, my family does not go by Challinder. We have no last name. We have no house. We have no other family. Do you understand?" Reyanna told.

Jon nodded. "Why am I here?" He asked why she led him all the way to her tent to tell him this.

"Because I'm a curious soul. And I want to know how Ned Stark's bastard son managed to make his way all the way here." Reyanna propped her feet up, ready to hear a tale of chilling adventures.

Jon Snow obliged and told her all about how he joined the night's watch because he felt like he had no place amongst the Stark family. Then, he told her about the war in Westeros which the men of the night's watch didn't participate in. Ned Stark was decapitated by the new, illegitimate King Joffrey. This triggered the war where Robb Stark, his brother, led the opposing side that believed Joffrey wasn't the rightful heir. At first Robb Stark was fighting for Renly Baratheon to become the rightful king, but then he was murdered by someone. Leaving only Stannis Baratheon to fight against the new king. Although, Robb Stark was still being declared the king of the north. Apparently, Stannis had a brutal defeat as the Lannisters joined the war last minute and sided with Joffrey, for he is a Lannister after all. He also told her about how his sister, Sansa Stark, was promised to Joffrey. So, she was stuck there.

Then, he concluded the story by returning to his own journey. He told her how the men of the night's watch was sent out past the wall, when Jon saw a white walker. His commander had already known about the white walkers and told him to mind his own. So, when he was captured by Ygritte, he decided to stay with her people because they fight against the white walkers. They fight for life.

"You saw them?" Reyanna asked about the white walkers.

Jon nodded. "We're so isolated out here I didn't know about that whole war. If we Challinders were to return to the south of the wall, we'd be killed on sight. There'd be no questions asked. We're seen as traitors in the Seven Kingdoms. That's why you can't speak our name, even out here where we think we are safe, because people like you may come rolling around and decide to murder us all." Reyanna explained why they were out past the wall for so many years.

"Tell me something, Snow, when you decided to approach me- was it because you wanted to expose me for being a traitor to the Seven Kingdoms?" Reyanna asked.

Jon shook his head. "No, just like you, it was because I am a curious soul." He told.

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