29 | dead again

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The next morning, the group was still surrounded

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The next morning, the group was still surrounded. One man didn't make it through the cold night, thinning the group number to seven. "We have to burn his body." Jon told.

One make lit his sword on fire and touched the dead man's body with it. The flames engulfed the body and released him from the consequence of having to come back with blue eyes. Jon walked to the other side of the tiny island and sat with Reyanna. "We'll all freeze soon. And so will the water. There's a raven flying for Dragonstone now. Sofina is our only chance." Jon informed her.

Reyanna looked up at the top of one of the nearby mountains and saw the Night King sitting tall and proud upon his black horse. He looked unreal. "He turned them all. If we kill him. They all disappear like the one you killed and his followers." Reyanna noted.

* * *

A couple of hours later, the Hound thought it'd be a good idea to throw rocks at the walkers. He threw one and it hit a walker right in the face. Then, he threw another and it landed in the middle of the lake... on the now solidified ice. Only giving the walkers the confirmation that the lake was fine to walk on now. Jon and Reyanna stood up. "Dumb cunt." Reyanna hissed at the Hound, his eyes growing wide in fear.

He had just initiated the attack of thousands of walkers onto them. The army began walking on the ice toward them. Everyone readied themselves to fight back, but there were so many of them beginning to come it was nearly impossible. Reyanna threw the first punch when she charged at a nearing walker and stabbed it in the throat. She turned to her another, but it managed to grab her by the collar. It's prying jaws reached for her neck, but her forearm held the walker away. She used her free hand to gore the white in its gut then turned to face the next incoming walker.

She swung, kicked and stabbed at the overwhelming amount of walkers, getting close to death when a few of them managed to surround her. But she always managed to fight her way out of them with out a few scratches. When the walker crowd became far too dense, Jon began to shout: "fall back!" over and over to get the small group to defend themselves in a tactical way.

Walkers began to pile on Tormund but Reyanna hurried over quickly enough to yank them off of him and kill them efficiently. She pulled Tormund up to his feet and hurried with him to fall back. They all did what they could to thin out the herd and keep themselves from getting killed. Reyanna couldn't tell if anyone else had fallen yet. She knew Jon was still alive and fine because she constantly checked every few seconds.

Falling back did nothing. More walkers came from the opposite side and the endless sea of them would only replace the ones the small group managed to defeat. It was a never ending cycle and just when Reyanna thought to give up, a blazing hot fire came from the sky. It was a black dragon, Drogon. With Sofina accompanying him on his back.

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