4 | plans for escape

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Reyanna watched as her sister Sofina braided her hair through the reflection of the mirror

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Reyanna watched as her sister Sofina braided her hair through the reflection of the mirror. Sofina was always so meticulous with girl-like things such as braiding, makeup and picking out pretty dresses to wear. Sofina longed to return to the days where she could focus on such things again, where she could spend her time fretting over what color dress would match the sapphires that lined her neck. "D'you think that crow boy could take us somewhere away from here? I'm tired of wearing pants and bulky covers." Sofina asked Reyanna.

"If he'd lead us somewhere, he'd lead us right back to Castle Black, where someone would recognize us and slice our throats." Reyanna scoffed.

"You'd think all the old men that knew the Targaryens and our father are dead by now." Sofina snickered.

"We'll go back one day, Sofie. And you or Stefan will take your rightful place at the throne." Reyanna sarcastically spoke. She was satisfied where she was. She knew her brother and sister yearned to go back to King's Landing and conquer all seven kingdoms, but their expectations were extremely unrealistic.

Sofina hit her sister's shoulder. "Such a shame the Targaryen had to become so selfish. I was promised to Viserys and I could've been the Queen. I could've made real change. I could've brought honor to our family name by finally connecting the Challinders to the throne." Sofina sighed.

"You think he and Daenerys are still out there somewhere?" Reyanna asked.

Sofina scoffed. "I don't expect Daenerys to still be alive." She stated.

"I miss her." Reyanna fumbled her thumbs. She and Daenerys would always play together, for they were the same age and their fathers worked closely together in the monarchy. Reyanna didn't remember much of it, but she knew they had a connection as babies.

"I miss our old life. The life where I could buy anything I wanted and where I could make some real change in the monarchy despite only being a child. Many praised me for my wits. Now we grow older and waste away our fertility." Sofina groaned as she finished braiding Reyanna's braids.

"I never wanted children. And I've only just passed my nineteenth name day. You're about to pass your twenty-fourth." Reyanna snickered at her sister's plight. They had plenty more to worry about. They had to worry about surviving. They had to worry about what they were going to eat that night or whether King Mance was going to order them out on another mission, which he loved to do.

"You shouldn't say such things, Rey. You're a beautiful woman and you should have children. With children, comes power. You grow your political power through the use of your children. Maybe you'll have some with some noble lord, perhaps the new king?" Sofina snickered at her sister, knowing well enough that she'd never want children.

"Maybe I should just fuck all the lords and kings of the world and cross my little fingers to see which one impregnates me first. Our father raised us better than to believe that children are raised to improve our status quo. We've seen how fragile and unnecessary titles are. We were at the top. Some would say we had higher influence than the Targaryens themselves, and our father never married and impregnated a noble woman for more glory to the House of Challinder. He taught us about love and grit. He told us 'the gods make everything happen for a reason.' Perhaps the reason why we've had to grow alone amongst wildlings and beasts was because the gods wanted us to open our eyes to reality. There's so much more than just the game of thrones. There's life, there's death, and there's white walkers." Reyanna went on and on. The entire family of Challinders loved to speak and go on rants. They never were known for being quiet and short spoken.

"And father told you this? You were an infant last time you saw father." Sofina snickered.

"I read his journals." Reyanna admitted.

Out of nowhere, King Mance popped his head into the Challinders' tent. "Reyanna, Sofina and Stefan. Your presence has been requested by the savages of the north." Mance joked, mocking how common Westerosi men would call wildlings savages.

"White Walkers, again?" Reyanna asked.

Mance shook his head. "We've learned that the Watch is weak. Their men are lost north of the wall. We are to scale the wall and attack them while we can. An attempt to regain our lands once more."

Reyanna gulped. She had been on missions to drive away walkers from the village, but never had she trekked to attack south of the wall with the wildlings. "Hope you're not afraid of heights." Mance snorted right before he left the tent.

Reyanna looked up at Sofina with widened eyes. "Looks like we may be going back to the Seven Kingdoms, after all, sister." Reyanna told.

"Are you serious?" Sofina was growing excited.

"The gods have sent us a sign. They have given us an opportunity to escape and try again at life." Reyanna huffed.

"You think they'd let us escape?" Sofina asked.

"Hell no. But if the opportunity arises, we may." Reyanna suggested.

"I'll fetch Stefan, and tell him the news." Sofina nodded curtly at her sister, her usual stoic expression resettling on her face.

Reyanna sighed and sat back in her chair. Never had she thought she'd manage to get back to the Kingdoms. She never really believed in the gods until her father was slaughtered, so now she believed every little sign they sent her. Maybe that's why she and her siblings managed to stay alive for so long.

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