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The voyage to Volantis was brutal

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The voyage to Volantis was brutal. Sofina and Stefan only had few coins to spare and all it managed to buy them was a broom closet on a ship. It was a tight confinement and when they had finally arrived to Volantis, they felt as if they had been freed from a burdensome slavery.

The two stepped off the dock and stretched out their arms. Their clothes were trashed as they had to borrow some from the people on the ship since all they had before were wildling parkas. "Finally. Freedom." Stefan breathed in the fresh air.

Before long, a woman wearing strange red clothes, who had proclaimed herself a red priestess, was shouting on and on about the breaker of chains. "She's on her way to Merereen to free more slaves. She is the rightful Queen to the Iron Throne and her name is Daenerys Targaryen!" The woman shouted. Her apparent followers rose their hands in the air and shouted an inaudible affirmative chant.

Sofina turned to Stefan with a wide smile. "Looks like we've got to go to Meereen, brother." Sofina told, then walked up to a random local to ask how to get to Meereen.

* * *

When the two arrived in Meereen, it seemed as if Daenerys had already conquered it and freed the slaves. The two were pointed in the direction of the largest pyramid, where Daenerys stayed in. When they arrived in the pyramid, Daenerys sat tall on a throne that rested upon a raised platform to make her appear more threatening and menacing— a necessary quality if one ought to rule.

Sofina and Stefan stood confidently before her and her throne regardless of how intimidated they felt by the guarding Unsullied and Dothraki. "Speak." Daenerys commanded the newcomers who had urgently requested to meet with her.

"Your Highness," Stefan bowed, "we are Stefan and Sofina Challinder. Friends to you and your family."

Daenerys sat up in her chair. "I thought the Challinders were all dead. And Reyanna?" She asked, scanning the twins' faces and finding them accurately depicting the Challinder brand with their raven hair and icy eyes.

"In the North of Westeros. We were hiding north of the wall, with the wildlings, and finally managed to escape. We came to Volantis, to avoid being executed by the new-ruling houses, then we heard you were here in Meereen." Sofina explained.

Daenerys descended from the platform her throne was on to go and engulf the twins in a tight hug. "I'm grateful to have some loyal friends around. I've been feeling a bit estranged with all these new people, and it can be quite... difficult." Daenerys admitted, then broke their hug.

"You are their queen?" Sofina asked.

Daenerys nodded. "Couldn't have done it without my dragons." She noted.

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