14 | king stefan

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"The Sons of the Harpy?" Daenerys asked one of her consultants

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"The Sons of the Harpy?" Daenerys asked one of her consultants. Stefan was present. Sofina was out training the dragons to follow her commands. One of Daenerys's Unsullied was murdered in a brothel, and his body was left with a gold mask. It was a message, from those who wanted to harm Daenerys, to rid the city of the military control.

"Yes, Your Grace. They left it on the body." Her consultant place the golden mask before her and Stefan.

"They've never killed before." Daenerys muttered in disbelief.

"It was only a matter of time, Your Grace. Conquerors always meet with resistance." Her advisor sighed.

"I didn't conquer them. Their own people did." Daenerys spoke in an annoyed tone.

"They do no see us as people, Your Grace." One of the Meereen's representatives spoke up. He had been standing quietly when the news was received.

"Then they will have to learn to see things differently, Mossador. He did not risk his life fighting for his freedom so cowards in masks could take it away. And I did not take up residence in this pyramid so I could watch the city below decline into chaos. What was the name of the man you lost?" Daenerys asked Grey Worm, the commander of her Unsullied army.

"White Rat, Your Grace." Worm informed nonchalantly.

"I want him buried with honor, publicly in the Temple of the Graces." Daenerys stated.

"The Sons of the Harpy will hear that message." Her advisor mentioned.

"Make them very angry." The Meereenese representative added.

"Angry snakes lash out. Makes chopping off their heads that much easier. Find the men who did this and bring them to me." Daenerys told, then waved everyone out of the room except for Stefan.

She then turned to him. "Have you made your decision?" She inquired.

"Of your proposal?" Stefan clarified.

Daenerys nodded and smiled at him. Stefan, over the past few days, couldn't find any reason not to marry Dany. She was a great fit for a wife and she'd give him status. They'd mutually benefit each other in the long run, too. "Yes. Although, it took me little time to realize it." Stefan informed her.

"So, what is your answer?" She tilted her head in a cute way.

Stefan smiled and looked down to the ground, a bit flustered. This would be the first true woman he had a solid relationship with. Of course, he fucked many girls before. But he never had a concrete relationship with one. "Yes, I will be your King consort." Stefan announced to her.

Daenerys engulfed him in a tight hug, excited to announce to the city that she'd be married soon and they'd have a king to follow as well. Although she was partially happy she'd have someone to delegate leadership to, she was more happy that she knew he was the perfect choice to be king. He was kind and hard-working. He wasn't a snob nor was he cruel. Not to mention, he wasn't entirely unattractive either.

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