25 | we meet, at last

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Reyanna, Jon and co. made it ashore to Dragonstone. There, they were met with Sofina and Tyrion Lannister, along with a few other soldiers for protection. Reyanna took off to engulf her sister in a hug. "We meet, at last." Reyanna squeezed her beloved sister.

"It's been far too long. Have you been getting my letters?" Sofina asked her sister.

Reyanna nodded. Sofina punched her sisters arm. "And you didn't answer them!" Sofina pretended to be hurt.

"You seemed busy." Reyanna shrugged as she looked at the grand castle her sister now owned.

Sofina turned to face Jon and she smiled brightly. She gave him a warm hug as well; which was unusual for Jon, but he accepted it. "Thank you, for everything you've done for my sister and I. I never got to share my gratitude to you since my brother and I had to leave in such haste." Sofina thanked Jon.

"It was my pleasure." Jon nodded at Sofina, suggesting that he had gotten the grandest reward for it— his wife.

Reyanna walked over to Tyrion Lannister. She stuck out her hand for him to shake and he gratefully accepted it. "The Hand of the Queen."

"The Queen of the North. If I knew there was a more beautiful Challinder out there somewhere, I would've gone to serve you instead. But don't tell Queen Sofina I said that." Tyrion snickered.

Reyanna smiled brightly at him. "I like you." She noted before allowing Jon to greet him as well. It felt more like a family reunion than a political meeting. Davos introduced himself to the Sofina and Tyrion as well.

After the introductions were done, Sofina's assistant, a translator too, gave them a proper greeting. "Welcome to Dragonstone. Our queen knows it is a long journey. She appreciates the efforts you have made on her behalf. If you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons." The woman spoke.

Reyanna looked over at Sofina with a questionable look. Sofina shrugged at her. "It's protocol for me, now. Can't trust anyone anymore." Sofina explained.

Jon placed a heavy hand on Reyanna's shoulder. "Of course we can." He answered for the both of them.

Davos, Jon and Sofina stripped themselves of all their weapons— making them all feel bare. They were suddenly surrounded by strange Dothraki faces who came to gather their weapons for themselves. The Dothraki were extremely tall, buff and intimidating— they even made Jon nervous. "Well, come on." Sofina waved everyone over to begin walking up the long path to the castle.

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