36 | the damn bells

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"Cersei needs to be destroyed but if we attack King's Landing with Drogon, Rhaegal and the Unsullied, and the Dothraki, tens of thousands of innocents will die

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"Cersei needs to be destroyed but if we attack King's Landing with Drogon, Rhaegal and the Unsullied, and the Dothraki, tens of thousands of innocents will die. That is why Cersei is bringing them into the Red Keep." Varys informed Reyanna.

Reyanna looked over at Tyrion with a smug look. "Seems to be that I know your sister better than you do." She snarked, then returned her attention to Varys.

"Your sister's mission was to protect these people. We mustn't destroy the city she planned to save." Varys emphasized the need for Reyanna to be cautious while riding Drogon into the city.

"She's using the people as her personal shield, knowing we don't have the heart to tear through them. Perhaps the people will revolt against her with a bit of pressure placed on them." Reyanna thought aloud.

"I say we attempt to negotiate with Cersei." Tyrion butt in.

"If that will better your rest at night, I will do so. Knowing her, she won't budge. Jon and the cavalry will be here within the fortnight. If we plan on seeing Cersei, we must do it today, else Jon will have me by the throat before he would let me speak to her." Reyanna expressed her urgency.

"Offer her her life in exchange for the throne." Tyrion specified the deal.

Reyanna suppressed her chuckle. "We will look like fools out there. But, if the people see we made attempts to negotiate, they will be less likely to resist us." Reyanna shrugged, then walked out of the meeting room to prepare herself to go to the capital.

* * *

It didn't take long for them to arrive at King's Landing, and it seemed to be that Cersei was well prepared for their arrival. The gates were sealed and she stood at the top of the wall, surrounded by massive crossbows engineered to slaughter dragons. Fortunately, Reyanna chose to leave the dragons behind for the visit in order to seem less intimidating. Reyanna took in the thought of Cersei's army's ability to annihilate one of the dragons and realized how much more tactical she had to be if she were to fly them into battle. She had been practicing riding them for a week, but, she feared it didn't compare to Sofina's years of practice and bonding with the dragons.

Surprisingly, Cersei came down from the top of the wall to personally greet her new enemy, Reyanna. Reyanna met her halfway from where the Unsullied stayed on guard and from the gate. "Reyanna Challinder." Cersei spoke in a nonchalant voice, eyeing her suspiciously up and down.

"M'lady." Reyanna bowed her head, a bit mockingly, at Cersei.

"No dragons today?" Cersei raised a curious brow at Reyanna. Cersei didn't like her right away, she seemed to be a little unpredictable. Cersei had been so focused on Sofina being the enemy, she didn't have time to analyze Reyanna.

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