7 | escape

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The more south the group walked, the warmer the weather got and the less snow there was

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The more south the group walked, the warmer the weather got and the less snow there was. Where they were walking at that particular moment, there was no snow but it was still a bit cold. The bare ground and green trees reminded Sofina and Stefan much of their home. Reyanna only knew the snow, so the naked soil was strange to her.

It was the next day and the group had stumbled upon a windmill in an abandoned village they were going to set up camp at. Ygritte turned to look at it and shouted "is that a palace?!"

Even Reyanna knew that palaces were far larger than that. "It's a windmill." Jon told, nonchalantly.

"Windmill. Who built it? Some king?" Ygritte asked.

"Just the men who used to live here." Jon told, again. Reyanna kept walking, knowing that it was going to take Ygritte a few minutes before she understood that a windmill was a simple building that nearly everyone could make.

Once the group settled, Jon and Reyanna were sent out to scout the surrounding area. "No more curious questions?" Jon asked, knowing that every time they had been together she'd interrogate him.

"I think I'm out of questions for good, now." Reyanna told.

"Tormund threatened me earlier." Jon informed Reyanna.

Rey chuckled. "If only he knew you were looking at another... don't mind him, he won't hurt your pretty face if it's what I want." She assured him.

Jon stopped in his tracks and turned to face Reyanna head on. "If only you knew I wasn't looking at Ygritte." Jon told. He had been trying to hint at the fact that he liked her for a while. But, Reyanna never caught on, so he had to be succinct.

"Huh?" She was still confused.

Jon placed his hand at the back of Rey's hand and pressed his lips to hers. Reyanna broke the kiss, entirely confused. She had thought he had feelings for Ygritte the entire time. "But Ygritte-" She began.

"She cornered me, Reyanna. I was never interested in her." Jon explained.

Reyanna furrowed her brows in disgust. "And you thought that because you have pretty raven curls that I'd fall for you, too? You're wrong, Jon Snow. I have dignity for myself and you'll have to do a lot more than be pretty to gain my affections." Reyanna scoffed, the stomped away. Jon didn't realize what he had done was wrong. His approach was terrible. He should've just confessed his attraction to her and be done with me. He thought he had ruined his chances with her forever.

* * *

A few hours later, the group ran into a farmer's house with the farmer and his horses still there. Orell came to report to Tormund, Jon, Rey and Ygritte who was all there: "only one old man and eight good horses."

"Whats one old man doing with eight horses?" Tormund grumbled.

"He breeds them for the Watch." Jon told.

"How's he keep folks from stealing them?" Ygritte asked.

"The Watch protects him."
"Not today they don't."
"Let's carve him up."

"We just take the horses and go. The old man's no threat. The Watch might send a few men looking for a horse thief. They'll send a lot more to hunt down murderers." Jon interjected.

"I hope so. Killing crows in their castle is tough. Killing them out here in the open, that's what we do." Tormund growled at Jon.

"Spread our. Surround the hut and move in." Tormund announced to the group. Then, the entire group ran toward the hut. Jon looked over at Reyanna and her siblings. Reyanna shook her head, knowing that Jon was planning to escape at that moment but it wasn't the right timing.

Jon nodded at her, accepting her suggestion to not make a move yet. The farmer managed to hurry away on horseback, Reyanna, Jon and some of the others took horses to chase down the farmer. They managed to capture the farmer and his horse. Soon enough, the other wildlings caught up the them.

Suddenly, it began pouring rain. Tormund and the old man went back and forth, but Reyanna truly wasn't listening because she was trying to figure out when to run. She only began listening when she heard Orell say: "make the crow kill him. You're one of us now. Prove it."

Jon pulled out his sword and held it to the old man's neck. "She looks sharp." The old man noted. Jon nodded hesitantly.

"Do it." Ygritte encouraged. Jon still hesitated.

"I told you. He's still one of them." Orell scoffed.

"Go on, boy!" Tormund shouted. But Jon still couldn't do it. Ygritte got tired and shot the old man with an arrow.

Reyanna turned to Tormund and placed her hand on his chest. "We could've had some fun together, Tormund, I'm sorry for this." Reyanna spoke up to him, then proceeded to whistle. She, her brother, her sister and Jon booked it to the horses standing nearby.

The wildlings were at their heels with their swords drawn. They four almost didn't make it until a couple of dire wolves jumped out of nowhere to attack the wildlings coming after the four. All four of them managed to jump on a horse and hurry away to Castle Black. Reyanna looked over at Jon and noticed he had been cut by someone's sword while escaping. But, Stefan and Sofina were unharmed.

* * *

At Castle Black, Sofina and Stefan were in their room and Reyanna was tending to Jon in his own room. She wrapped him up in bandages to keep his stab wound from bleeding anymore than it already had. Jon groaned every time she'd move to wrap the bandage. "Stop, whining." She snapped at him.

"You're lucky your pretty, Jon Snow. Else I'd have one of your crows patch you up." Reyanna chuckled as she finished wrapping the wound.

"Orell really wanted me dead." Jon laughed, noting that it was Orell who had harmed him.

"Orell wants everyone dead," Rey snickered, "but I've got to say, you've impressed me. You got hurt and still managed to make it here alive."

Jon smiled up at her from his bed, but then his smile dropped. "When I was still back in Winterfell, my father gave each one of his children a dire wolf. Those two dire wolves were my brothers'. I think they were nearby." Jon told Reyanna.

"If your brothers are anything like you, they'll be smart enough to survive. Those wolves would've scared Tormund enough to have him run off someplace else." Reyanna assured him.

She placed a warm kiss on his forehead. "Rest up, Snow. The wildlings are coming for ya."

Rey stood up to leave, but Jon stopped her by grabbing her wrist. "When are you and your siblings leaving for Essos?" He asked.

"Stefan wanted to leave before dawn tomorrow." Reyanna informed him.

"So this is goodbye?" Jon inquired.

"So this is goodbye, Jon Snow." Reyanna smiled small at him, then left his room.

author's note: okay now it's gonna get good. I had to get all that background out the way and I had to get them hoes out of the wildlings' hands. whew.

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