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A few days later, Stefan found himself in Daenerys' chamber

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A few days later, Stefan found himself in Daenerys' chamber. They had slept together. Although, it seemed as if it didn't even happen. Both of their memories were hazy and they weren't entirely sure how they ended up naked in each other's arms. He watched her sleep peacefully until her bright blue eyes fluttered open. She smiled, enjoying his warmth and company. "This is... strange." Stefan admitted, unsure as how to react to the situation. He honestly did not know what the hell he was doing with Daenerys, it was as if some force had drawn them two together— to connect in a way that she hadn't with others very often.

"I want you to be my King." Daenerys spoke, pushing Stefan's raven hair away from his face.

"Huh? Daenerys, I'm not even entirely sure how we ended up here..." He told her, rolling out of her silky bed.

"Me either. But I feel... enlightened. As if a force from above had pushed us to be together, to serve a higher purpose. You are a noble man, a respectable man, and your family has served my family well for thousands of years. I do believe I award you with gratitude for such kindness." Daenerys explained her inexplicable reasoning. It was true that they had felt like they were meant to be together— not like they were soulmates or romantically in love, but as rulers. They'd complement each other and balance out their personalities very well. Whatever force that had made them come together after so long, seemed to be tired of them putting off the inevitable.

"This is not a decision we can make spontaneously. We must think about this, carefully." Stefan shook his head, worriedly, at Daenerys.

"Then let us digest the thought. If you agree, come to me with the same proposal." Daenerys smiled at Stefan. She simply felt like he was the missing puzzle piece she was looking for in her game to become a great ruler.

Stefan tugged on his once discarded clothes and hurried out of her quarters. He sincerely needed to process what had just happened. It seemed so shocking and inconceivable.

* * *

That same morning, Sofina was wandering about in Meereen when she stumbled upon Daenerys' dragons. All three of them her lingering about in a field right outside of the city. The three beasts turned to look at the young woman with ferocious eyes, but Sofina stared at them right back. She, surprisingly, didn't feel frightened around them. She even took the initiative to approached them. The dragons took a step forward toward her, trying to assert their own dominance over the tiny woman.

The largest dragon, Drogon, proceeded to show off his dangerously sharp teeth— quite aggressively. "Calm yourselves." Sofina spoke to the dragons in High Valyrian. Shockingly, Drogon obeyed and laid his head down before her. The other two dragons followed pursuit.

Sofina carefully approached Drogon, and hesitantly placed her hand on his thick black scales. Drogon didn't even flinch. He even began purring, showing his content. "You are beautiful." Sofina spoke to Drogon. Drogon closed his glassy eyes, feeling quite comfortable under Sofina's powerful touch. To the dragon, she felt much more superior and motherly in those minutes than Daenerys ever had. It was an unreal experience for Sofina. Especially since she had never seen a dragon before, then again, she had seen plenty of strange. From giants to white walkers, dragons weren't so far fetched in the supernatural realm. Perhaps that was why the dragons seemed to respect Sofina. They could sense she had seen many unnatural things, and they weren't the first.

When Sofina pulled her hand away from Drogon's cheek, his eyes shot open and he seemed to be whimpering. Almost like a dog. It was extremely unusual for them to have a bond with a human like that. "I'll come back, I promise." Sofina spoke softly, as to not come off as loud to the creatures, then left the dragons be in their field to play around in.

* * *

Later that afternoon, Daenerys had informed Stefan of Jorah's betrayal. He had been spying on Daenerys since way before Stefan and Sofina has arrived to meet Daenerys. Daenerys was truly hurt. He was the one who told Westeros that she was bearing Khal Drogo's child a few years ago, and ignited foreigners' incentive to kill her and her baby. Jorah had been banished from the kingdom, and Daenerys didn't want to ever see him again.

* * *

Sofina, Stefan and Daenerys were in her pyramid once again hearing the things the commoners asked of their new queen. Just when they thought that they were finished, another older man weakly walked into the pyramid. He had a blanket, much like the goat man, he was holding close to his chest. "Approach, my friend." Daenerys asked, eyeing the blanket.

"I do not understand, my Queen." The peasant asked the translator. Missandei went on to translating between the two.

The peasant walked up the steps of the pyramid to be level with Daenerys. The man began to sob. "I have brought you— he came from the sky. The black one. The winged shadow." The man spoke between his sobs, trying to explain what had happened. But then, he showed Daenerys instead. He unwrapped the blanket that he held in his arms, and, in it, revealed the skeleton of a child. Burnt to a crisp.

"My little girl." The peasant began to uncontrollably cry at the sight.

Sofina sucked in a sharp breath. "My Queen, I'd hate to tell you I told you so... but..." Sofina whispered to Daenerys.

"I should've listened. I'm sorry, Sofina." She whispered back, shaking her head in horror at the sight.

* * *

Daenerys asked Sofina to meet her in the catacombs, where she'd lock the dragons in for a while. All but Drogon was present, but she needed to keep her dragons from causing any more harm to anyone. Especially children. "You sure you want to do this?" Sofina asked her friend.

"I have to." Daenerys shuddered. It was the last thing she wanted to do.

"I'll train them. While they're in here I'll train them to only follow your command. I'll teach them right from wrong. You forget they don't know any better. They only have animalistic instincts, Dany." Sofina assured her friend that it was not her fault.

Daenerys sighed sadly, then proceeded to chain her dragons up to a wall in the catacombs. It was a saddening event for her, but it was truly a necessary one. From then on, once a day Sofina would go in to train the dragons. And within a week, she had managed to find and take Drogon to the catacombs as well for training. She and the dragons bonded immensely, and they were certainly quick learners.

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