35 | the last of the starks

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The long night was over. And the thousands of dead bodies scattered around was horrifying. Reyanna found Sofina's lifeless and bloody body amongst the other corpses past the walls of Winterfell. She kneeled next to her body, her stomach almost getting in the way of her managing to do so, and brushed her sister's hair to the side. "My dear sister," Reyanna whispered, "I loved you. And I will always keep you in my memory. You were an unforgettable soul, but now your time has come to an end. I will not let you die in vain." Reyanna readjusted Sofina's corpse so that it wasn't all twisted up from her great fall. Sofina would have appreciated her sister making sure that her appearance was suitable enough after death.

Reyanna wanted to cry, she truly did, but she knew that her sister's time had come to an end for a reason. Possibly because of all the horrible things she had done to others during her reign. It was sad that her sister was gone, but Reyanna truly lost her sibling when she left for Essos all those years ago and became mad.

Later that evening, a mass funeral was held to burn all of the corpses from the battle. Everyone stood solemnly with grief stricken eyes. Jon walked before everyone left alive to give them a sympathizing speech. "We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. To our fathers and mothers. To our friends. Our fellow men and women who set aside their differences... to fight together and die together. So that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory. For those who come after us... and those who come after them. For as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. And we shall never see their light again." Jon then waved over those that were holding torches to light the bodies up with a blazing fire, allowing all of the bodies to burn to ashes and become one with the earth. Liberated, at last, and gone with honor.

* * *

The next couple of weeks, Winterfell spent their time grieving and recouping from their losses. Reyanna's stomach had grown double what it was before, indicating that her child was due to come at any moment. In order to reestablish order in Sofina's abandoned kingdom, Jon and Reyanna held a meeting in the castle to reestablish Reyanna as the queen of Sofina's abandoned titles. A crown was placed upon her head. "I present to you, the Queen Reyanna of House Challinder, First in Her Name, Queen of Meereen and of the North, and Lady of Dragonstone." Missandei, Sofina's old assistant and translator, announced.

Everyone in the hall cheered, hooted and hollered for Reyanna. They were relieved a familiar face was now in charge of the strange army. But, something wasn't sitting right with Reyanna. She knew Jon was the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. And, now, that there was no opposing leader to create conflict with, she couldn't just sit there and hide that from the world. She suddenly stood up and snatched off the crown from her head. "My apologies," she waved Missandei off, "I simply cannot accept this crown."

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