6 | the climb

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 Reyanna sat preparing her equipment to scale the tall wall that separated the wildlings from the rest of the Westerosi people

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Reyanna sat preparing her equipment to scale the tall wall that separated the wildlings from the rest of the Westerosi people. "You ever climbed it before?" Jon snow asked Rey and Ygritte who sat nearby as well.

"No." Reyanna stated blatantly.

"Never. But Tormund's done it half a hundred times." Ygritte assured Jon who could help but to stare at the menacing wall. Reyanna could tell there was a strange connection between the two. She took a mental note to ask Jon about it later.

"You're afraid." Ygritte noted.

"Aren't you." Jon breathed heavily.

"Aye. It's a long way up and a long way down. But I've wanted my whole life to see the world from up there. Here, sit down. I brought a pair for you. They're too big for you, but they're good." Ygritte tossed Jon some hooks to attach to his feet so that he could climb the wall.

"You kill someone for them?" Jon asked Ygritte.

"Nah. I didn't kill him. But I bet his balls are still bruised." Ygritte snickered.

Reyanna shook her head as she stood up to get used to walking on her own hooks. She walked off to go speak with Tormund. "Don't let me fall." Reyanna narrowed her eyes at him, kiddingly.

"Never." Tormund then handed her a pick axe to use for the climb as well.

"Sink your metal deep and make sure it holds before taking your next step." He put his hand on her shoulder.

Reyanna nodded. "Sofina and Stefan got their gear, too?" She inquired, unsure as to where her siblings were in the camp.

"Yes. There by the fire eating up before the climb. I told them to put on some weight, else they'd blow away with the wind from being so skinny." Tormund chuckled.

* * *

On the wall, the group began their climb. It was windy and cold and the wall of ice was so stiff Reyanna could barely stick her pickaxe in it to climb. When they were about halfway up the wall, the winds seemed to get stronger. Sofina and Stefan managed to keep up with the rest of the group, tailing Reyanna.

Reyanna looked over at Tormund, whose orangey brows were now covered in a layer of thin frost. His face was pale and he was shivering cold. "You could, Tormund?" She shouted over at him. He shot her a weak smile, trying to hide the fact that he was struggling.

Suddenly, loud cracking noises could be heard from below Sofina, Stefan and Reyanna's feet. They looked down in horror to see that the ice was cracking. Ygritte had began to fall as the ice beneath her hook had begun to fall off of the wall. Jon Snow fell right with her since the two her connected by rope. The person holding them two from falling all the way down was Tormund. Jon and Ygritte were dangling right below Tormund.

"We've got to cut them loose!" Orell shouted, then whipped out his rope and began cutting the rope. Once Orell cut the loose, Ygritte began to fall- fortunately, Jon had managed to rehook himself on the wall and didn't let Ygritte fall to her death.

Reyanna sighed out in relief that they didn't fall, but pretended that the situation never happened and resumed climbing the wall. All she needed to do was get over the wall and then she could be free.

* * *

Once they all got to the top, everyone flopped over onto their backs to catch their breath. The winds seemed to die down and the clouds opened up to reveal the sun. The view from the top of the wall was spectacular. Stefan turned to face his little sister. "Never. Again." He told her. Reyanna chuckled and smiled at him.

* * *

On the other side of the wall, the group began trekking toward Castle Black. Jon and Reyanna walked side by side, giving Reyanna a chance to be curious again. "You fucked Ygritte?" Rey whispered over to him.

His eyes widened and he looked around to see if anyone else had heard. "She told you?"

"No, I can just tell." Reyanna snickered.

"When we finally get away, what are you going to do after all this?" Jon asked.

"Don't know. I heard stories that Daenerys and Viserys were still alive. Maybe I'll go find them." Reyanna told as she found a large rock to sit on.

"Maybe I'll find your brother, Robb, and fight by his side. Maybe I'll end up marrying him. I heard the king of the north had the looks to match his strength." Reyanna joked, causing Jon to roll his eyes.

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