20 | plans for war

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"We cant defend the north from the walkers and the south from the Boltons

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"We cant defend the north from the walkers and the south from the Boltons. If we want to survive, we need Winterfell and to take Winterfell, we need more men." Jon explained to his colleagues the proposed plan Sansa had came up with, but he didn't mention it was her idea— for if the others knew, they'd reject the proposal.

"Aside from the Starks and the Boltons, the most powerful houses in the North are the Umbers, the Karstarks, and the Manderlys. The Umbers and the Karstarks have already declared for the Boltons, so we're not doing so well there." Davos sighed.

"The Umbers gave Rickon to our enemies. They can hang. But the Karstarks declares for Ramsay without knowing they had another choice." Sansa noted.

"I beg your pardon, m'lady, but they know that a Stark beheaded their father. I don't think we can count on them either." Davos retorted.

Sansa rolled her eyes. "How well do you know the North, Ser Davos?" Sansa questioned him.

"Precious little, m'lady." Davos answered.

"My father always said Northerners are different. More loyal. More suspicious of outsiders." Sansa explained to the man.

"They may well be loyal, but how many rose up against the Boltons when they betrayed your family? I may not know the North, but I know men. They're more or less the same in any corner of the world and even the bravest of them don't want to see their wives and children skin for a lost cause. If Jon's going to convince them to fight along side him, they need to believe it's a fight they can win." Davos shut down Sansa's argument.

"There are more than three other houses in the North— Glover, Mormont, Cerwyn, Mazin, Hornwood. Two dozen more. Together they equal all the others. We can start small and build." Jon suggested a compromise.

"The North remembers. They remember the Stark name. People will still risk everything for it, from White Harbor to Ramsay's own door." Sansa told.

"I don't doubt it. But Jon doesn't have the Stark name." Davos mentioned.

"No, but I do. Jon is every bit as much Ned Stark's son as Ramsay is Roose Bolton's. And there are also the Tullys. They're not Northern, but they will back us against the Boltons without question." Sansa proposed.

"I didn't know the Tullys still had an army." Davos huffed.

"My uncle the Blackfish has reformed it and retaken Riverrun." Sansa told nonchalantly.

"How do you know that?" Jon inquired.

"Ramsay received a raven before I escaped Winterfell." Sansa explained.

"That's good. The Blackfish is a legend. His support would mean a great deal. Stark, Tully, a few more houses, almost starks to look like a winning side." Davos agreed with the lady.

* * *

Reyanna was quietly readying her horse to go meet with possible allies to ask for their support in the fight against the Boltons when Sansa approached her. She tapped on her shoulder to gain her attention. "Sansa!" Rey greeted the young girl with a smile.

Sansa smiled warmly back and held out a gift for her. It was a new outfit, this time not a dress. "Armor. Embroidered with wolves. Because, although you're marrying a Snow, you are joining the Stark family. You even seem to have adopted a dire wolf yourself." Sansa indicated Amira.

Reyanna touched the the leathery suit. It was so carefully carved, she was afraid to wear it. "It's beautiful. Thank you." Reyanna looked up to Sansa's bright blue eyes.

"I'm glad Jon is marrying you." Was all Sansa said before she scurried off, leaving divots in the snow as she trudged away.

Reyanna turned around and jumped at the sight of Tormund standing over her. "You scared me." Reyanna clutched her chest.

"You were right. I did find someone else. Someone fierce like you. Tall and strong too, suitable to give me strong babies." Tormund grabbed Reyanna's shoulders and bellowed.

Reyanna chuckled at the man. "Who?" She asked.

He turned to look at Sansa's knighted protector. Lady Brienne of Tarth. Tormund looked past Reyanna and nodded at someone behind her. "Your lover is calling for you." Tormund snickered as he turned Reyanna around.

Reyanna spotted Jon and hurried over to him. "Sansa gave us matching embroidered outfits." He flaunted his gift.

Reyanna chuckled. "Good, that means you have space to hold mine for me." Reyanna placed the outfit in his arms before he could retort.

Just as Reyanna turned to leave, Jon grabbed her arm with his free hand and pulled her close to him. His lips grazed over his, teasing her as butterflies swarmed her stomach. Reyanna pressed her lips to his soft ones and kissed him softly. Then, she parted from him and rushed over to her horse since it was almost time for the both of them to leave.

* * *

The wildlings agreed to give their support to Jon Snow. With much convincing to the fierce little Mormont girl, House Mormont gave their allegiance and her 62 men. Reyanna suggested reaching House Martell since they had strong ties to the Challinders for their merit, yet Jon told her they were too far south to help any. House Glover... furiously rejected their calling.

Then, Jon decided they were set to fight the Boltons within the fortnight.

Behind his back, Sansa sent a raven to the Tullys to gain more men in their under armed army.

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