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In Meereen...

As time went on, Daenerys lost more and more control of her conquered lands. The slaveholders of Yunkai were standing their ground and grew tensions with Daenerys. There was a scheduled negotiation in a few days time to make peace and reestablish order with the Yunkai masters that took over the city. Daenerys wasn't quite sure how she was going to approach the problem without worsening it. Tyrion Lannister, a nobleman from Westeros and the brother of Queen Cersei Lannister, had fled from Westeros after being named the murderer of King Joffrey. When he fled to Essos, he ended up with Daenerys and offered his services in her counsel, in which she agreed.

Although Sofina found that adding Tyrion Lannister an idiotic decision, she quite enjoyed the imp's company. She had grown so fond of him, she decided that if she were to plan a massacre— he'd be her partner in crime.

Daenerys had been growing intensely envious of Sofina. Sofina has full control of all three of the dragons and even was secure enough to set them free. The dragons roamed the outskirts of Meereen and bother no one. They come to Sofina's beckons even if she's a thousand miles away; and she can ride all three of them without a hassle. It was almost as if she was the true Unburnt Queen. Daenerys didn't like knowing that her people could lose faith in her and begin following Sofina instead. So, she devised a plan to weaken Sofina, at least until she was irrelevant enough to kill without anyone noticing. The plan was to send a man that feared her so much they'd do anything for her. A man that would commit such a low deed such as raping Sofina.

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Sofina was in an alleyway if Meereen, washing rags she used to clean the dragons' quarters, which they'd only stay in to feed on the raw meat the city provided them

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Sofina was in an alleyway if Meereen, washing rags she used to clean the dragons' quarters, which they'd only stay in to feed on the raw meat the city provided them. It was a dark night and barely any moonlight was lighting the streets. Nevertheless, Sofina enjoyed doing commoner things just like everyone else. Any other member of an elite or royal family would fear being out that time of night.

She was wringing out the towels when a pair of sturdy mans planted themselves on her shoulder. Unknowingly, Sofina turned her head to face the man that had grabbed her. She thought it was simply another commoner she saw on a daily basis, but this man was a stranger to her eyes. His beard was scrawly and his body was thicker than most. It looked as if he lived in his mother's basement and ate fatty foods all day.

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