30 | cersei

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 Soon, Jon woke up

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Soon, Jon woke up. And when he did, Reyanna was there holding his hand. "Don't ever part ways from me again. I don't think my heart can handle you dying on me again." Reyanna pressed a quick kiss on his lips, squeezing his face.

He chuckled hoarsely. "I'm sorry." His smile faded into a serious look, his brows raising worriedly.

"You want to know something?" Reyanna whispered.

Jon noticed she was in such a happy mood, so he removed his serious look his face. "What?" He asked.

"I think you keep coming back to me because I have secret powers." Reyanna snickered. Jon chuckled and playfully hit her arm, telling her to stop joking around so much.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked.

"Because you're not dead." Reyanna told as she plopped herself right next to him in bed. She laid uncomfortably close to him, her leg lazily thrown over his.

"And," she paused and smiled wildly, "we're going to have a son." She grabbed his hand and pressed it to her stomach.

Jon sat up and looked at her seriously. "Really?" He asked for confirmation.

She smiled and nodded rapidly. His jaw dropped and he ran his hand over his chin. Once he completely processed her words he grabbed her face and planted so many kisses on her. She laughed and pushed him off of her. Her ecstatic mood then suddenly dropped. "We are going to destroy the Night King and his army. And we'll do it together. You don't get to tell me to stay behind because I'm with child. I'm fighting so that he can live and love on Westeros without fear." Her eyes darkened.

"Just promise not to die on me, Rey." He gulped.

She cracked a small smile. "You seem to be the only one faltering on that promise, Jon."

Jon shook his head at her. "How is your sister?" He digressed.

"Hurting. But she's out for blood now. She wants all the white walkers to go down into flames. The situation has become more real to her now that she has seen the dead. We are on course to King's Landing now, to meet with Cersei. You must rest, you represent the North." Reyanna informed him.

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