37 | a new era

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37 | A NEW ERA

The day after the destruction and despair, Jon and Reyanna were back in King's Landing, standing at the top of the steps of the palace facing the city

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The day after the destruction and despair, Jon and Reyanna were back in King's Landing, standing at the top of the steps of the palace facing the city. The two were dressed regally, juxtaposing their perfectly royal attire to the rubble surrounding them. The dragons had sincerely destroyed the entire city. It was horrible. Children, women and innocent men were burned alive by the beasts Reyanna's sister called her children.

The dragons fled the city soon after they destroyed it, knowing exactly what their consequences would be if they had stayed long enough for someone to catch them. "The people of King's Landing have suffered immensely due to the incident with the dragons. On behalf of the queen, I would like to apologize for the mass destruction they caused. Though the incident has caused much tension and resentment toward the crown, all those who have been affected will be repaid and within due time. We must rebuilt what we have lost and commemorate those who fought so bravely to protect what they believed was right. Therefore, by taking a pledge to the new crown, all those in support of Cersei Lannister shall be shown mercy. Thank you." Jon gave his short speech to the crowd of thousands of displaced citizens. It was a sad sight to see, but, they couldn't do anything but appoint people to begin rebuilding the city.

Jon led Reyanna back into the half destroyed palace, where they met a circle of some of the most powerful people of Westeros. They were awaiting commands from Jon to be told what to do in order to begin running a kingdom. All of them waited anxiously to be told what to do. They were glad Jon was their King, however, they feared that those that were loyal to Cersei would fire back at Jon. "Must we do this now?" Reyanna groaned.

"We must get going, else the city will be left to crumble." Davos pressed for instruction.

Reyanna pointed at him. "Master of Ships." She turned to Jon. "Pick the rest." She sighed then went off to go see her children. Ever since the battle ended all she wanted to do was be with them. It must've been a motherly instinct that caused her to hurt so badly when she would leave them for too long. And with that, Jon was left to choose his counsel. Wisely, he chose Tyrion to be his Master of Whispers, Bronn as his Master of Coin (since Tyrion begged in order to repay an old debt), Brienne was the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and Samwell, of course, was the new Grand Maester. Everyone was externally grateful for their positions.

As Reyanna was holding Karsi in her arms, Jon quietly came into the nursery with a contemplative look on his face. "What is it?" Reyanna instantly inquired, knowing exactly when Jon was overthinking something.

Jon picked up Eddard from his crib and took a seat next to Rey. "I don't know if it's a good idea, but, I was thinking of allowing the North to secede and began it's own country again, with Sansa as their queen." Jon spoke out his thoughts.

Reyanna hummed as she bounced a squirming Karsi. "I think it's a wonderful idea. We'd have much less people to have to worry about feeding and they'd be loyal to the Six Kingdoms of Westeros."

"Sansa would be alone. Arya is headed west." Jon sighed, a bit worried for his sister.

"What's west of Westeros?" Reyanna inquired.

"No one knows. Arya wants to find out." Jon chuckled, knowing just how adventurous his little sister was.

"I heard the world just ends. Like a waterfall at the edge of the world and you simply fall off." Reyanna mentioned.

"Have you decided who's to be your hand? All of these pressing issues would've been great topics to bring up with your hand." Reyanna asked Jon, pushing him to get things done and finish appointing people to the throne.

"I don't know. Someone wise and very well learned." Jon quieted himself for a moment to think about it.

"How about, Bran? He knows everything about anything. He's seen the mistakes leaders have made in the past and could make for a wise advisor." Reyanna suggested.

"I'll think about it. I'm not sure he'd accept the position." Jon noted.

"Have Ghost and Amira arrived?" Reyanna asked about their dire wolves that she had requested to be sailed down south to be with her and Jon. She thought it was important that they felt like a pack and to not lose touch with them, especially since they were essentially family.

"Yes, they should be lurking around somewhere." Jon replied.

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