Weekend ruse

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Hoseok is lonely in college.

Hoseok and Jimin had been best friends since they could remember. Always going to the same school, constantly hanging out. However, all good things always came to an end and they had to go to separate collages. At each end of the country.

Jimin practically cried into his arms when they had to part ways for the first time. "I'll really miss you" he sniffled. "Me too" Hoseok replied. Thinking at the time he would manage just fine without Jimin. So, 5 hours earlier then he had to go, he left. Not a single look back. Hoseok didn't need anyone. Especially Jimin. He would do just fine on his own. And if he missed Jimin, it was only 3 months before break.

However, halfway through the semester, he was so alone. No new friends. He did have a roomate called Jungkook. Occasionally he would being over some friends. They were alright. However, Hoseok preferred to just hang out with Jungkook. But since Jungkook started dating Taehyung, that never happened anymore.

Everyday and night he would think about Jimin. And how much he missed him. Hoseok wished he got the chance to see Jimin for those extra few hours. No matter how insignificant it would have been.

Even when blood rushed to his lower regions, he would think of Jimin. He didn't like the thought of getting off while thinking of his best friend. Perhaps he was so lonely, he had nothing else to think off?

Hoseok didn't mind too much. He could go and call Jimin. However, he always seemed to be busy. What if he found someone? He didn't like that. The idea of his best friend finding a girl and never coming back to him.

Suddenly, Jungkook entered his room without a knock. Hoseok got very surprised. "What are you doing here? I thought you were too busy hanging out with your boyfriend to even be here anymore." He spat, not realising how sad he was that the only friend he could make here was off with someone else.

"Actually, we've been here for the past week." Jungkook replied in a sassy tone. That means... oh no.. they must have heard lots of the stuff he'd been doing. "We both think you're incredibly lonely and need someone in your life. So what ya into to? Boys? Girls? Both?"

"Girls of course." Hoseok said in an uncertain tone. "I'm not gay like you or anything." Jungkook only smirked at that statement."We're going to a party. As much as we want you to come with us, I'm pretty sure that you'd say no anyway. So afterwards, I'm bringing a girl home.. Just for you roomie!" As soon as he said that, he left.

-a few hours later-

Hoseok's bedroom door bursted open with a drunk looking Jungkook, Taehyung and a random girl he'd probably never seen before. "Sooo I found this girl for you. Enjoy!" He winked at Hoseok and pushed the girl in the room.

But, Hoseok was not interested in anyone. He wasn't going to stoop that low and take advantage of a drunk girl. So, he tucked her into his bed and he slept on the floor.

However, little did he know, a certain someone just entered his apartment and was sleeping on the couch.

-the next morning-

Hoseok woke up feeling pain in his back. He knew he would regret sleeping on the floor but also knew the girl would regret drinking even more. She woke up with a groan. "Nngg.. What.. happened" She put her hand to her head and turned to face him.  "Did we. .?" She dared ask, biking her lip and hoping she didn't give her virginity away, drunk. 

"No.. Jungkook and Tae wanted us to hook up but I wasn't drunk like you. And besides, real men don't take advantage." He replied. Standing up and getting some clothes out. "Also, my name is Sofia. What about you?"

"I'm Hoseok." He told her. "Would you like any clothes? I'm sure you don't want to go back like that." Sofia nodded her head, got up and started walking downstairs. "Um... there's someone downstairs that doesn't live her!" She called out. "Hold on a second. I'll be down after I get dressed.

-5 minutes later-

The now dressed Hoseok strolled downstairs with a t-shirt and trousers for Sofia. Upon entering the livingroom, he saw something he thought he'd wouldn't see for at least a month and a half:

Jimin on his sofa, fast asleep...

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