Weekend ruse (part 3)

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Things get pretty wild at the dance, which may or may not try and ruin Hoseok and Jimin's relationship.

Hoseok watched as Sofia walked off. A dance?? If course it has to be during the time he was pretending to be Jimin's boyfriend..

-time skip to tomorrow-

Jimin didn't expect to have to go to a dance with his best friend on the last day of visiting. He'd maybe even have to kiss him! His first kiss, given to his best friend in a stupid competition. Part of him didn't want to but he'd gone in too deep. Everyone on campus thinks he's dating Hoseok

On the other hand, Hoseok was feeling excited about it, despite the inconvenient time. Finally, he wouldn't be lonely like normal. Even though it was all a lie, he didn't care. He would act like he actually had someone in his life.

After they both finished getting ready, Hoseok couldn't help but ponder as to why Jimin even came. Yeah, he claimed it was to just go and see him yet their colleges were hours away. And they were going to see each other soon anyway. So why?

That was all interrupted when Jimin practically dragged him out the door. "Come on! We can't be late for this." Hoseok didn't get why Jimin seemed so excited to go. Did he not remember what they had to be? To do?

Hoseok stopped suddenly just as they were reaching the car, which caused Jimin to nearly fall over. "What's the matter?" He asked, still grabbing onto the older boy's wrist.

Jimin waited for an answer from his friend but got none. "What's the matter?" He repeated, letting go of Hoseok's wrist and staring at him in the eyes.

Hoseok had no comment for the 'outburst' and just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, J-hope finally spoke up: "Let's just go, shall we?" They both got into the car and Hoseok drove them off.

-At the dance-

Hoseok seemed to have forgotten what he did earlier but it still lingered in Jimin's mind. Everything they did, from the dancing to the eating, Jimin thought about it every chance they got.

Sofia was no help, her and her friends constantly talking about how adorable they looked and it made Hoseok nervous. If he suddenly messed up and embarrassed himself and his "date"...


A few hours had gone by with no issue. Nothing out of the ordinary. Sofia fangirling, random people having fun and Jimin ,with Hoseok,  drinking some cheap beer and laughing about who knows what.

However, the fun times they were both having was interrupted by the thing they dreaded most: the kissing contest.

The two were practically shoved onto the stage as the first contestants along with two woman who looked like they were together. "Kiss kiss kiss kiss" was the word everyone was chanting, in desperate attempts for some action. The 2 woman, they were against, pressed their lips together like there was no tomorrow.

Jimin and Hoseok, however, didn't know what the hell to do. Hoseok just wanted to die right then and there- he was about to have his first kiss with his best friend (who he masturbated to a 'few' times. A few meaning all the time!) in front of many drunk people. Jimin wasn't sure what to do. Half of him wanted to kiss him, better then the two girls did, but the other didn't want to ruin the years he spent with Hoseok.

"Fuck it" Jimin heard Hoseok say quietly to himself before being pulled into a deep kiss. Jimin couldn't help but moan in happiness that this was finally happening. Hoseok wrapped his arms around Jimin and tried his best to take him to heaven.

They continued the lock lips for a bit until they heard cheering. The two looked around and everyone was clapping for them. Did they win this round? Jimin couldn't focus on the win because he saw Hoseok leave, crying.

He followed until hey were both outside. "What's wrong?" He asked a sobbing Hoseok. "My first kiss.. in front of drunk people.. to my best friend..." Jimin thought for a moment on what to say, "The only reason a first kiss would be bad is that if you thought of it negatively."

They both remained in silence for a few minutes, while Hoseok's sobs turned into a few hiccups. Finally, Jimin found the words to solve the situation. "Do you want to know why I came here?" No answer. "I came because I missed you. Not in the way that best friends would but..." Jimin didn't finish his sentence as Hoseok realised what he just said.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, Jimin started to walk away. This was it. Hoseok didn't even have a minute to claim the love of his once bestfriend. He realised that he actually loved Jimin. Everything he had felt for years.. love

"Wait!" Hoseok started, gripping on Jimin's wrist tightly, causing him to turn around suddenly. "I... love you.."  Hoseok confessed, on the verge of crying all over again. Jimin only pryed Hoseok's hand from his wrist and looked at him.

This continued for a few seconds until Hoseok wrapped his arms around Jimin and kissed him powerfully and filled with love. Hoseok finally realised how much he actually loved the boy.

They continued to kiss until they had to pull apart (due to lack of air). "Come on Jiminie, let's ditch this stupid party." Jimin blushed at the nickname but nodded his head in agreement.

The two spent the night together like they weren't ever going to see each other again. 

The next morning, Jimin had to start making his way back to his own collage. As he was getting into the taxi, he turned to Hoseok and said: "Mission: Us pretending to be dating.. over" he offered his fist up for a fist bump. Hoseok went and fist bumped him.

"Will we really be separated like this for the next few years?" Hoseok couldn't help but ask, praying a miracle could happen so that he could see Jimin more. "You'll have to wait and see, Hobi" Jimin winked and went into the taxi. It drove away, leaving J-hope, at the front of the school, alone.

Now he really looked forward to December.

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