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A soulmates au where everyone has their other half. You could know them for 1 second or 1 year before realising but once you know, you know. Jimin is hunting for his soulmate and having some trouble.

Jimin sighed in fustration: he still hadn't found anyone close to soulmate material. Even with the help of Seokjin and Namjoon. All the girls seemed very uninterested in him. It was almost like.. he wasn't made for girls. The only thing keeping him optimistic was that he was going to find his soulmate one day.

He wasn't sure how people knew. Apparently, one just realised and felt the feelings of love. It was difficult to explain for those who had found love, such as Yoongi. Perhaps he could go and see a mate teller. Rumour had it that they could use spells to give clues on who it might be. However, Namjoon advised him against it, insisting that he was for the right moment.

Most people found their mate between the ages of 18 and 25. Also, most people meet their mate at least a month before realising. So, Jimin continue to try and keep in contact with all the girls he met, desperate to find the one for him. Being 23, it seemed like he didn't have much time left.

Feeling lost, he decided to talk to Yoongi, the first one in the group to find his mate- a woman who treated him after he seriously hurt himself. "You just got to wait." Was the only thing he said, making Jimin want to punch the wall through. Everyone told him that.. but he didn't want to wait!

Yoongi sensed Jimin's rising anger, so, he suggested something else; "How about you go see a mate teller?" He didn't believe in anything like that, but didn't want to see Jimin fustrated and confused.

Taking the advice, Jimin went to go see one. It was weird being in there, the dim room with a small, red light. Very little could be seen, but the things he did see were peculiar: lots of hearts and writing, which he couldn't read. The person who he saw, was a young woman with clear beauty and intelligence. It reassured him that the whole thing was real.

"So tell me, what is your mate issue? I need to know what's wrong before I can read." Her voice had a thick accent, but Jimin could easily understand. "U-uh.. I'm dating all of these girls but none of them seem to be my type. I'm worried I won't ever find my mate." He confessed, feeling embarrassed despite the fact she didn't know him at all.

There was no response for a moment, until the light turned purple, making Jimin feel like he could be there forever. "Dear, you try dating all of these girls, but you can't seem to find the one for you? It's clear you are just digging in the wrong spot and looking for the wrong kind of treasure. Step back and look closer to you. Branching off too far too quickly will get you very lost."

Jimin thought for a moment. She must be right! Perhaps it was someone he actually knew. And... what did she mean by looking for the wrong kind of treasure? "W-wrong kind of t-treasure?" He asked, curious of what she meant. For a moment, she started blankly at him, face unreadable. "Your other half isn't like anyone you've tried already. They aren't like the girls."

Was it possible she was saying that he was gay?! How could he be gay? He loved the thought of being with a girl. Dammit.. that woman was making him question his sexuality! Part of him regretted going just for that reason but, he finally got the answer he was looking for. Jimin's mate must be someone he already knows.

"T-thank you.." He said quietly, getting ready to leave, paying earlier. Suprisingly, it was pretty cheap. Maybe it was just a scam. She seemed like she knew everything. So, he decided to take the new advice and keep his search close to him.


The next morning, he woke up to see Hoseok getting changed. Usually, he'd just pretend to be asleep but for some reason, he liked the view of the elder shirtless. So, he put the covers over his head, careful to not be heard. Leaving a small gap for his eyes, he continued watching, unsure as to why he couldn't stop.

The whole day ended up being torturous- Jimin couldn't stop being distracted by Hoseok. From his sexy dance moves to the way his legs looked in those tight leather jeans. It made Jimin fustrated, the search for his mate was constantly being thrown aside thanks to Hoseok.

As they were eating lunch, Jimin was thinking about who his mate was. It seemed that the topic was always on his mind because he had a burning desire to be cradled by them. All of that desire was interrupted with the arrival of Hoseok, looking hot and sweaty. Absent-mindedly, he Jimin licked his lips and stared, immediately getting a reaction from everyone in the group.

"I thought you were looking for your mate. Not checking out Hoseok!" Jungkook teased, elbowing him lightly. Yoongi was smirking and looking like he knew something no one else did. Hoseok just looked confused but was blushing a bit.

How distracting Hoseok was being was really starting to get to Jimin; even him getting his salad out made Jimin want to ditch his investigation and throw his research out. Instead, he just continued to ogle at the elder while he munched on his salad.

"What do you all feel like eating for dinner?" Seokjin asked, notepad out to take notes on what to cook. Without thinking, Jimin mumbled: "Hoseok..." Again, everyone reacted to that, mostly with shock and alarm. As Jimin realised what he just said he choked out "N-no! It's... n-n-not what you think! I-"

Hoseok stuck his head down and ate his salad without looking at everyone, in hopes to hide the blush that creeped across his face again. It seemed like Jimin had a bit of a crush, despite searching for his mate.

In terms of being distracted, that night was no good for Jimin either. He was writing a story in his notepad about him and his potential mate in the future when Hoseok strolled into their room with only a small towel around his hips. That immediately got Jimin's eyes and focus away from his paper and straight to Hoseok's body.

"What are you writing about?" He asked, not even caring about being ogled at by the younger. Jimin wasn't sure what to say, still shocked by the sudden, but lovely, view. "Uh.. just some stuff about my future mate..." He blurted out, embarrassed that the elder now knew.

Hoseok sighed and cross his arms, "You really need to stop obsessing over whoever your mate is gonna be. It's hindering your life now. Stupid things like love find their way to you. Constantly having your head in a notebook, trying to find them is lowering your chances. So, you have to cut all that out."

What he said made Jimin think: what if he was taking it too far? His craving to be near the unknown person was making him want to find them at all costs. But, he should listen to Hoseok and simply wait a bit longer. Because of that, Jimin shut the notebook and shoved it under the bed, still appreciating the view of topless Hoseok.

His staring continued as Hoseok took his towel off, revealing his naked body to the now drooling boy. Hoseok only smirked as he slowly put on his pyjamas, much to Jimin's dismay. "Do you just want to look at me like that every night?" Jimin was taken aback by the question, leaving him a stuttering mess. "I-i uh.. I-i don't k-know..!" Jimin then covered himself in his blanket and dozed off for the night.

During the night, Jimin dreamed horrid things; his fear of being alone. It cause him to wake up, screaming his head off, waking up Hoseok instantly. "Woah! What happened Jiminie?" Jimin only stared at the wall, eyes wide and body shaking. He desperately needed someone to hold onto.

So, he quickly got out of his bed, ran to the other side of the room and jumped into Hoseok's bed, forcing the elder to adjust his position to accommodate Jimin. He sat on the bed with the younger on his lap, facing him. The two cuddled together like two jigsaw pieces; snug and very comfortable.

It was in that moment that Jimin thought of everything he felt that day: from wanting to look at Hoseok to the way they cuddled. All of it seemed so.. perfect.. like how... mates are suppose to be..

"A-are we.. m-mates?" Jimin dared ask, snuggling into his chest. "I'm glad you know now. You have no idea how long I waited for you, love." Hoseok responded, kissing the top of Jimin's forehead.


Finally, Jimin had found his other half. The one who he was born to be with and the person that he'd marry. He didn't mind that it was a man, like himself, when he thought he was into girls. But, over the years, they got more and more intimate and their love only increased.

Edit: Made me smile reading this LoL

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