Hoseok is jealous!

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Hoseok attempts to make more Jihope moments in the only way he knows how.

Hoseok constantly felt the urge to get rid of some of the members in BTS. They simply were too close to his number one crush (Jiminie) for him to feel comfortable.

It probably started when he was feeling bored and starting looking at fanfics of him and the group. It started fine. They were mostly unrealistic but quite amusing at the same time. However, as he got deeper and deeper into the world of fiction, he discovered people writing about ships.

From Namjin to Yoonmin and sappy to completely messed up, nothing was off limits. Hoseok wasn't too bothered by all the ones that didn't feature him or Jimin. His personal favourite was Vkook. Unfortunately, the one that featured him and his #1 true love, were scarce.

He loved every single one with Jihope in it. Even though he knew none of the romantic things written about the both if them would ever come true, he loved reading and reading. Through all of this, lots of other ones with Jimin in it appeared in his recommended section.

He hated Jikook, Vmin and most of all, Yoonmin. He wondered where these came from. And that curiosity hooked him onto (shipname) moments on YouTube. Eventually, the ones with him and Jimin had been watched at least 3 times.

One extra boring night, he decided to look at a Yoonmin compilation. Just to see what all the fuss was about. However, as he went through more and more clips, he got angrier and angrier. Why were people shipping his true love with anyone but him?!

He realised: they were simply much closer. Even Jikook was more popular. All he had to do was create more Jihope and no more other moments... Genius!

His idea started the next morning when they were eating breakfast. Yoongi was about to sit down next to Jiminie. Not on his watch! He pushed him away and took the seat. He did his 'celebration dance' in his head while the others looked at him weirdly. "What the hell was that?" Yoongi asked, moving to another seat.

Jimin seemed to care very little that Hoseok had just pulled a scene. He just continued eating breakfast. Yoongi only continued to glare at Hoseok. If looks were physical, Hoseok would have died an agonising death right then and there.

Whatever happened, Hoseok still continued his mission for more Jihope. He was the one who would sit next to Jimin. He was the one who got all the cool moments. Despite how far he was going, it worked. Hoseok would look on YouTube and see new Jihope moments. He would smile in glee, knowing that his plan was working.

Eventually, he wouldn't let anyone spend time with him. Camera or no camera. If anyone even spoke to Jimin, he would give them a death glare. Everyone was getting concerned about him. So much so, Jin decided to talk to him.

"What's been going on lately?" Jin questioned, clearly not in the happiest mood. Hoseok knew exactly what he was talking about and was suprised it took this long for him to be confronted about it. But still, it was inconvenient and he couldn't let it get in the way of his mission.

"Nothing much. Just chilling and doing the stuff I need to do." Lies. Nothing short of a complete lie. It gradually became no secret that something was seriously wrong with Hoseok.

"We all know that's a lie. You seem to have been protective of Jimin lately. I understand you may like him or something but you are taking things too far." Much too far. Hoseok was even lacking in sleep due to being busy checking through Jimin's phone and making sure no one was going near him.

"I'm completely fine and I don't even like him like that anyway." Hoseok lied again. He couldn't let anyone know.

"Hobi... You aren't fine. You're scaring Jimin. He asked me to get you to stop being weird." No- he couldn't possibly...

Hoseok only huffed and walked away. Whatever. He didn't need anyone's approval. The fans were giving him exactly what he wanted and he wasn't going to give that up for anyone's stupid feelings.

After leaving the unpleasant conversation, he made his way into the living room where he saw Jimin and Yoongi, laughing about something. They were really close. In fact, Jimin was lying on Yoongi's lap, watching a comedy with him.

This was the last straw; Yoongi was always the biggest issue in his mission to keep Jihope alive. It was like Yoongi was a magnet or some shit. That was not okay with Hoseok. He needed to act. Fast.

Without another hesitation, he walked across the living room and grab Jimin by the wrist. Hoseok forced him up and practically dragged him out the room. "Hobii! What the hell?" Jimin exclaimed, trying to get out of his grip. "You need to stay away from him." Hoseok only responded, continuing to drag the poor guy until they reached their room.

"B-but w-why?" Jimin stuttered out with tears in his eyes. He had enough of the fact he couldn't talk to anyone since Hoseok became protective, nearly a month ago. Hoseok turned to him, a dark look in his eyes. Jimin knew this wasn't the one he loved. But someone consumed by rage and jealousy.

"The moments." Jimin took a second to realise what he was talking about. "We need to keep the moments going, darling." Jimin blushed at the name given but shook it off after realising that he needed to put a stop to this.

"I dont understand the problem, Hoseok." Jimin started, but was cut off after his first sentence. "The problem is the fact there are no moments of us anymore! They are going to take you away and they use the army's fangirling to take advantage of you without anyone batting an eye!!" Hoseok got progressively louder as he explained.

Jimin stood there, dumbfounded by the words coming out of the elder's mouth. Taking advantage of him? What a stupid thought. Clearly, Hoseok had fallen down a pit, of jealousy, to the point he wasn't even thinking proper and rational thoughts.

Jimin shushed him with a finger to his lips. "Don't worry about them stealing me from you. I wouldn't let that happen. I already love you." He said in a calm and soothing voice. Hoseok was taken aback by his words and failed to produce his own words.

"Hey now." Jimin hugged him and patted him on the back, trying to calm him down. "Don't be afraid, sunshine." Hoseok blushed and hugged back. "I'm sorry I took things too far. I guess it was mostly in my head after all."

His mission was now complete. It didn't work out but he got what he wanted: Jimin. And a good lesson: jealousy is never the right way to get love...

(Based on my fustration of all these Jikook, Yoonmin and Vmin ships...

Who's against them too?)

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