Homophobe part 1

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Jimin is a homophobe and Hoseok is gay. What happens when they are constantly put together?

Warning: Homophobic language

Hoseok groaned at the seating plan that was assigned in maths. He didn't understand why he was always put with Jimin- the most popular guy in school. He would always be teased about being gay by him. Hoseok didn't get why being gay was any kind of issue. But to the homophobe, it was.

They all sat in their given seats. Many groaned, few were happy and Hoseok was very unhappy. Just a glimpse of the popular boy let him know that he was in for a nightmare.

"Hello, fag" Jimin smirked, getting his pen out. It was clear he couldn't give any less fucks about math and was only there for attendance. Suddenly, Hoseok felt something around his wrist and a strange sensation on the back of his hand. He soon realised that Jimin was writing something on his hand!

Hoseok quickly moved his hand away but it was too late. Jimin had already scrawled 'Faggot' onto his hand. "Just to remind you what you are," Jimin teased before turning around and talking to some kid behind him.

The way he was being teased was starting to make him insecure. It made him wish that he never said a word until he was older. However, whatever said is whatever out and he had to accept himself for who he was.

While Hoseok was busy doing math equations and Jimin was talking to some girls to his left, the bell went for the next class. Everyone rushed out the class promptly to go to their next lesson. However, Hoseok took his sweet time because he realised that his next class was English language.

Hating that class was an understatement. It was the one class he wish he could drop. However, he couldn't. Why couldn't he just have learnt it from birth? It would of been so easy. Hoseok also sat next to Jimin, very helpful, for some reason. The homophobic words were still on his hand. It was very prominent and Hoseok felt like it was carving into his soul.

After packing up, he slowly walked over to the other side of the school for the class. He wouldn't be suprised if he was 5 minutes late. What did suprised him, however,  was the fact he heard laughing behind him. Not just any laughing. Jimin's laughing.

Thinking of what could happen, he turned around to defend himself. Jimin was walking with a random girl and laughing at Hoseok for no reason. Before Jimin could comment on Hoseok turning around, he decided to bite back for once. "Do you mind? I'm just trying to get to class and I don't need any of your homophobic shit today.  I really don't know why you care who I like."

On the inside, Hoseok was a confident person who wouldn't give a fuck what anyone said to him. So, what was the issue on showing it off a bit?

Jimin and the girl clearly looked suprised at the fact his own victim was fighting back. However, he decided to shut it down before he could get embarrassed. "Wrap your lips around a dick, fag. You'd be better to be around if you took that advice." And as soon as he said that, he smirked and walked off.

Hoseok was beyond pissed at the fact that some hoe, who was likely gay, was talking to him like that. If he could, he would definitely put the popular guy in his place. As his personal bitch. However, he had better things to think about, like getting to class, then have fantasies.

Once Hoseok and the class were seated and ready to learn, Jimin didn't hesitate to start picking on him. He would constantly pull Hoseok's hair back and whisper in his ear "fairy boy" No one seemed to care or notice what was happening. This made Hoseok unable to properly focus on the lesson.

Suddenly, to improve the day, the teacher called on Hoseok "Translate this sentance from English to Korean" Jimin started flicking his neck from behind. "Uhh... it says.. I love hamburgers?" Hoseok asked, unconfident in his answer.  He noticed the teacher physically cringe at the embarrassingly wrong answer.

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