Coffee shop

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Jimin is working as a barista and a regular catches his eye

Jimin was the classic university student with a boring job in between classes to pay for things like: alcohol, pizza and textbooks. Just thinking about 2 of the 3 main purchased items made the student drool. At that point in time, the coffee shop was quite full but, he and his coworker- Kim Namjoon- had served everyone and they were all just sitting down, sipping on coffees, teas and hot chocolate.

The two batistas just stood there awkwardly but, that didn't last as long as they didn't hope for. A man walked in - a hot man- which, for some reason, made Jimin think about how tasty of a snack this stranger would be. "Morning. Can I please have a black coffee?" Jimin grabbed a cup and pen. "Name?" He asked, taking the lid off the top and positioning it, ready to write. "Hoseok" The man responded.

For some reason, Jimin drew a heart without even realising it. Perhaps he was in sweet sweet love. More like gushing over a hot person and trying to impress them with his impeccable drawing abilities. Trying is a key word because Hoseok understandably looked at him a bit weirdly. To cover it all up, Jimin just smiled awkwardly and started making the drink, rarely taking his eyes off the customer.

After finishing it, he brought it over and took the money for it. Clearly, that customer was never coming back after that experience. Embarrassed, Jimin tried to forget about it and just continue the rest of his shift.


A few days passed and the student forgot about the strange incident during work. He was doing some shopping -at 9pm because he spent half the night revising for upcoming exams. There wasn't much on that weeks shopping list: instant noodles, eggs, frozen pizza, milk, cereal and vodka. Truthfully, Jimin didn't care about eating as much as passing school.

Just as he was in the booze isle to grab the last thing on the list, he saw someone standing where the vodka was. No big deal, all Jimin had to do was stand there and wait. However, when the person picked what they needed up, they turned around, facing Jimin. He immediately blushed in embarrassment- it was Hoseok from the coffee shop!

Forgetting about getting hammered that night, Jimin turned around and ran off to the checkout. The logic in his brain was not adding up, causing him to overreact and tangle himself up further. He spent the whole time at the checkout and the journey home praying that Hoseok would never be seen again.

Little did Jimin know that what he was now tangled in was Hoseok's interest.


Another day another life- Jimin was back working after a long day in classes. It was the day after bumping into the attractive customer and he avoided thinking about it, the memories of the event only occasionally flickering into his thinking. Honestly, it was weird that he got so worked up and he didn't get why. Probably because of how attractive he was.

His dark and sexy eyes, smooth skin with beautiful lips that Jimin could treat himself too... mmmm...

"Umm.. can I have a coffee please?"

Jimin kicked himself out of daydreaming and saw a customer in front of him, looking worried and annoyed at the same time. And drum roll... it was Hoseok again. "Oh my God it's you again." The barista blurted out, suprised at how he kept seeing this stranger. Hoseok began to look irritated, clearly needing a coffee fix. "Yes. It's me. Now can I have my coffee?" His voice was full of anger and his actions reflected that: dumping the money on the table, tapping his feet impatiently and crossing his arms tightly.

"Of c-course! I'm sorry s-sir!" Jimin scrambled to get a cup out and write the name down. Why was this so embarrassing?! One more fuck up and the coffee deprived man would fucking cut his head off! Eventually, he got his shit together and make the coffee, burning his hands in the process. He was forced to hand the cup over, hands shaking in pain and holding back tears. Hoseok practically snatched the coffee, fuming but gave a tip anyway. "Next time, don't be a bumbling idiot." And with that, he walked off. 

Every single time he was on shift, Hoseok would show up at the same time- 4:30pm. Somehow, Jimin managed to mess up every single order of his in some was or another. Getting the wrong drink, burning himself, dropping it, writing embarrassing things on the cup, being a stuttering idiot, spilling he drink onto Hoseok, being distracted and more. Every single time he served the man, it would break a price of his pride off. Yet, everyday was spent looking forward to serving the sexy individual, as if he loved being embarrassed by his own wrong doings.

It was about 3 weeks later when things turned out a bit different: Jimin was still waiting for Hoseok to show up, hands bandaged because of a horrid accident the day before. The hot water splashed all over his hands, covering them in 100°c water and blistering them badly, while making Hoseok's coffee. His boss recommended that he take a day off bit Jimin needed the money to get a new textbook. So, they compromised and Jimin served the cakes and cold drinks. "Nearly 4:30 Jimin, your crush will be here soon. Too bad you can't touch hot drinks. You could do with a break anyway. He seems to stress you out a lot."

Jimin felt a mix of embarrassment, from being teased, and annoyance that not being able to serve his 'crush' was a suggestion.

4:30 came quickly and Jimin continued to wait for Hoseok to show up. Every second felt like minutes and every minute felt like an hour. It was like the regular customer was the barista's drug fix. Waiting was agonising, tearing Jimin down and distracting him from his burnt hands.

Unfortunately, waiting was what he was forced to do when it turned 5:25 his shift ending in just 5 minutes. "Guess he decided to go to a different coffee shop. Maybe your whole fiasco yesterday finally scared him off." Namjoon joked, just finishing with a customer who wanted a pumpkin spice latte.

"It's not funny Joonie. I actually liked him!" Jimin whined back, making a milkshake for a teenage girl. "It's for he best he's gone now. He was so distracting. I'm surprised you didn't scare him off sooner with the amount of mistakes you made in his presence." As soon as Jimin finished the milkshake, he handed to tell customer and turned away from the door, sorting the money out.

"I don't care. He was so hot.. so dreamy. Hoseok made my days better.. I always had something to look forward to at work... The pain I caused myself thanks to his set gaze, is my pleasure." He turned his head to the side to see Namjoon, cringing and clearly knowing something he didn't.

"Oh really now?" The sound of he familiar voice was enough to make Jimin turning around. When he did, he immediately regretted every word he said, turning bright red and hands turning shakey. Hoseok was standing right there, hair done beautifully and jeans hugging his hips and accentuating parts of him that shouldn't be looked at. Yet, Jimin found himself staring at his crotch.

"My eyes are up here." Again with the cut in of his voice. Nothing could possibly be more embarrassing. He noticed that Hoseok was holding a bag and became curious. Not realising that he look at the bag too long, he was snapped out of it: "Everything in the bag is yours.. that's why I'm an hour later than usual. No coffee for me today.. see you tomorrow." He winked and then made his way out, leaving Jimin and Namjoon with their jaws hung open.


After Jimin returned home, he made his way to his room and sat on the bed. He looked into the bag and found lots of chocolate, several bottles of vodka, cooling cream and a bit of paper.

'Sorry about yesterday. Guess I was too hot for you to pay attention? You've made me take my attention away from important things. Give me a call cutie: ***** ******

Immediately, he loved the customer even more.

(A/n: Thanks for reading and whoop whoop we got to part 20! Didn't think I'd be motivated enough to get this far but that's to positive comments, I have. Thank you for everything guys💜)

Edit: I like this editing because it makes me laugh

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