Substitute teacher part 1

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Jimin hates math class, until they get a new substitute teacher who so happens to be super hot
Contains light sexual suggestions

Jimin groaned at the timetable; math again?! Why did it have to be considered important enough to be everyday? It was one of those lessons he just could not be asked to do. He'd pay to never have it again. But, that wasn't an option and he wanted to actually get a job. Usually, he'd just space out a bit, taking limited notes down. He never tried his best but he did well enough that he got decent grades on it.

The likely boring lesson turned into a big suprise when he walked into the classroom and saw a hot guy at the teacher's desk. Was it one of those people who pretended to be the teacher as a joke?

The guy at the desk debunked this thought when he said "Your maths teacher is very unwell at the moment so, for the next 3 weeks, I'll be your new substitue teacher." Jimin, and many of the girls, were very happy to hear that news. Truthfully, Jimin was openly gay and wasn't afraid to hide his attraction. Unfortunately, no one else really was, leaving him clueless when it came to actually being in a relationship or having intimacy because he had no one to be with.

"I know this isn't the best since you have a test at the end of the term but at least you won't get one of those teachers who can't even math." Mr Jung let out a laugh after saying that, getting up from his chair and standing in front of the whiteboard. Jimin couldn't help but state at his wonderful features; beautiful eyes, sharp jawline, sexy body, volumous hair and more.

Suddenly, he stopped talking and looked over at Jimin. "Are you paying attention young man?" He asked, looking a bit mad that someone wasn't paying attention in his lesson. Immediately, Jimin jumped a bit "I-I um... YES!" He choked out, trying to act natural, causing the class to giggle a bit at him. Mr Jung smirked a little bit but got straight back to the lesson.

The rest of the lesson was significantly more difficult for Jimin to focus. Normally, he's space out from time to time over the period, thinking about food and whatever he liked at that moment. Instead, he was thinking about how he's totally smash the teacher- naughty thoughts he'd bury forever.

After the bell went, everyone packed up and was ready to leave. However, Jimin was kept back. "Please focus more on the class work and not on me." Mr Jung sternly said, looking seriously into Jimin's eyes. It seemed like he wasn't kidding around until he added, "You should try looking when I'm not facing your direction. Then, I won't notice and you get a good view, if you know what I mean." He winked afterwards, which made Jimin feel a rush of shock and suprise. Before anything, he was dismissed.

The next class was English, something Jimin found hard too. But, he actually liked it. On the other hand, his desk partner, a smart and sexy looking guy named Namjoon had great talent for other languages yet, hated the lesson with a passion. Also, there were some girls on his table giggling about the substitute math teacher.

"I'd let him smash me any day."

"He's so hot, if he wasn't a teacher, I'd claim his sexy self."

"I don't care that he's a teacher I'm going for that ass!"

Jimin coughed loudly, bringing the attention to the girls. "Ladies, ladies, we all know I'm going to be the one to smash him. I'd bet money that he's gay," he said cockily, smirking wildly. At first, one of girls looked a bit shocked that they had a challenger. But, she wasn't going to back down.

"I guess we have a competition!" She said, her voice full of competition. It was only then when Jimin cursed the overconfident and openly sexual side of him: that girl was known to getting boys and girls onto their knees. She was none other than Annie Moon.

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