Weekend ruse (part 2)

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Hoseok and Jimin reunite and have to maintain Hoseok's reputation by creating a ruse.

The sleeping Jimin was not sleeping like they first thought. He had woken up just before Sofia entered the living room. He was just excited about Hoseok's reaction and didn't need some girl ruining it. As time passed on however and he spent thinking about why that girl was there, he theorised and he didn't like any of them. From a one night stand to them dating, he didn't like the idea of his best friend being taken away from him.

Suddenly, he heard Hoseok's voice, he opened his eyes imediately. "W-what are you doing here?!" He smirked hearing the elder's reaction. "Can someone not visit the person they care about?" He drawled, dragging his finger across the sofa.

Sofia interrupted the conversation: "What are you to him exactly?" She asked, picking at her nails.

Jimin saw this as an opportunity to claim him. He didn't need this Sofia bitch stealing his friend away. That's the last thing he wanted. "I'm his beloved boyfriend of course!" He exclaimed and got up to kiss Hoseok's cheek without thinking twice. He could feel Hoseok go red at this.
"Oh I'm really sorry.. I had no idea.." Sofia looked a little sad that Jimin already had Hoseok. Good. Jimin didn't need that hoe to ruin anything.

"Why don't you leave so that me and him can.. you know" Jimin pulled a perverted smirk and a wink trying to get the message across to her.
"Oh.. of course! Have fun you two..." and with that, she scrambled out the door.

"Oh thank God that whore is out of here" Jimin said out loud. Hoseok continued to look at Jimin confused, wondering why he was behaving so strangely. Realising Hoseok may know his plans, Jimin covered his mouth with his hand.

"What did you just say?" Hoseok questioned, not understanding Jimin's recent actions. "I-" he responded, lost for words and no way to explain. "You do realise Jungkook waned me to get with someone so brought her in. We did nothing. I only really know her name." Jimin sighed in relief, his best friend's time not actually taken.

"So... can you show me around? I'll be here all weekend. I figured you may be lonely and I was right all along!" Jimin smiled brightly after saying this.

Hoseok relaxed a bit but still unsure as to why Jimin pretended they were dating. Perhaps he... -no! That couldn't ever be possible. He stopped thinking of all those things as soon as Jimin pulled him outside.

The cool air hit his face and he moaned at the freshness of it. Hoseok hardly ever went out and was constantly hot because the dorms were highly heated and stuffy. ..

Jimin dragged Hoseok around despite the fact he "didn't know where anything was". So Hoseok just named all the places. "I hope this isn't much trouble for you" He asked, continuing to drag the elder around.

~ ~ ~ ~

After going around the entire campus, Hoseok started to feel hungry. "Hey.. shall we get something to eat already..? Just b-because. . I-i'm.. hungry... Of course.." He laugh awkwardly at the end. What was going on? Why was he suddenly tripping all over his words?

Jimin was slightly confused at his friend's change of behaviour. But quickly shook it off after seeing Hoseok's favourite fast food place; Burger King.

It seemed like Hoseok noticed this and his face lit up. It lit up to a bright and sunshine-like smile. He suddenly ran in, dragging the stumbling Jimin right in. "W-wait! You're going to fa- ah!!!" His words were cut off after tripping over his feet and falling over.

Somehow, through dragging the younger down and the both of them attempting to stand back up lead Jimin sitting on Hoseok's Crotch. Hoseok was lying on the floor, face up and his and Jimin's faces were almost touching.

"Look at the two love birds! !" A sudden voice made the two of them jump. It was that bitch from earlier! Couldn't she just leave the two in peace?! Jimin looked over at her and gave a look that could kill. Everyone in the restaurant were staring at them too.

"What's the matter? Could your boyfriend not satisfy you enough or something?" Sofia laughed loudly at her words. Fuck. Jimin forgot that he used that excuse to get her to leave.

Hoseok could feel his face burn at that. He had fantasies about making Jimin moan out his name and he didn't need anyone to know about that. "We didn't even-" Jimin clasped his hand tightly around his mouth and fake laughed. "Aha! We are fine. We just tripped because someone is eager to get food from his favourite place to eat."

With the help of the table near them, Jimin and Hoseok got up and began to order their food. Hoseok got a burger meal and sprite. Jimin got chips and a coke. He didn't eat as much as most people.

They both sat down at a table together and ate in silence. Their friendship had gotten to a point where silence wasn't awkward at all. Hoseok wondered what that meant in their relationship.

Suddenly, their quiet and relaxing lunch was interrupted by Sofia. Jimin growed at her because he just wanted to be alone with Hoseok. "What the hell do you want?" He spat, looking like he was going to kill everyone. Sofia, her friends and even Hoseok was taken aback by how aggressive he was being.

"Relax lover boy. We wanted to invite you two to a dance. It's a dance. There's even a kissing contest and all couples get involved!" She squealed. "I was hoping for Hoseok to be my boyfriend but I can see he's already spoken for so I'll be going alone for the first time. I'm excited to see what everyone else is going to do! Anyway. Hope you'll make it." She blabbed on, while walking away.

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