Tired mistakes

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Nico was exhausted. But he could smell food, and God's above, it sure smelled amazing.

He stretched under his large black comforter and realized Will had left- probably early that morning for the infirmary. Nico sighed happily, that he got to have someone like Will.

The night before, as per usual, he woke up with a panic attack inducing nightmare of Tartarus. It was a regular occurrence, yeah, but it didn't make it any less traumatizing. It was impossible to forget a place like that.
Nico woke up, feeling extremely claustrophobic in his dark cabin, hot, sweaty, and terrified. He knew it was a dream, but it was the fact that that had happened to him that got under his skin and triggered a panic attack.

So obviously, the only rational thing was to get his boyfriend.

Well- his secret boyfriend.

Nico, who was out to a few campers, was still slightly uncomfortable with people knowing. Will and him tried to troubleshoot why that could be, but the only thing that really made sense was the fact that he grew up in the 1940s, and being gay wasn't something that was spoken lightly about.

Nico did love Will- very much so- but he was scared for judgement. But obviously Will was the sweetest and most understanding boy in the world, and was ok with being quiet about their relationship. It wasn't like they were shoved in the closet- Will was very openly bisexual. Nico, once again, was just scared.

Although, when he woke up, he needed him.
This happened often, at least 3 times a week, where Nico would wake up needing him. It made him feel clingy, but Will was beyond fine with sneaking into Nico's cabin and cuddle with him until they both fell asleep again.

So, Nico, in a half awake panic, shadow traveled to Wills cabin, hoping no one was awake to see him. He normally made precautions- like iris message in to make sure everyone was asleep (which once ended in an awkward conversation with Kayla)- but Nico was too worked up to take them.

He slid out of the shadows, and stumbled, slapping a hand over his mouth so he wouldn't hiccup or make any crying noises. Other than the fact that he wasn't supposed to be here, he didn't want to be found sobbing.

He walked over to Wills bed, the bottom bunk of his and Austin's bunk bed.
He felt like a child, going to his moms bed when he was little, but Will would understand-he always did and always made Nico feel better.

"Will," he whispered quietly, not daring to speak any louder- his voice would probably crack.
Will was normally a light sleeper, whether that was Nico's doing or not,  and shifted when Nico spoke. His blond curls were stark against the dark room.

"Will?" Nico hiccuped, going closer to the bed.
Will groaned quietly, waking up, and rubbed his eyes. He moved his head, and through squinted eyes he looked at nico, and sat up slowly.

"Love? Are you ok?" He whispered tiredly, using his arms to prop him up as he looked at his boyfriend. Nico shook his head and wiped his eyes. Will nodded sleepily and stood up, and took Nico's hand so they could travel back to Nico's cabin.

When they arrived, the taller boy pulled Nico into a tight hug, and Nico buried his face into Wills chest, not caring whether his tears stained his shirt. It happened often enough that he didn't feel guilty about it anymore.

"Nightmare?" Will asked, but it was more of a statement than a question, because it was almost always a nightmare.
Nico nodded into his chest.

"Ok darling," his voice was croaky from sleep, but his southern accent was more prominent. Nico couldn't resist a small smile.
"Let's go to sleep, yeah? And drink some water," Will let go, and grabbed Nico's water bottle from the floor, and handed it to him. Nico drank 3 big gulps and handed it back. Will then led Nico back to his bed and they both climbed in, but obviously it took a while to fall back asleep.

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