Spider-Man should think before he does (pt. 4)

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Hehe spider man au is fun

Nico's pov

"Nicooooo," Will whined, forehead pressed to the worn, decade old dark green counter, shiny from the thrice-daily sanitization.

"What, Will," I huffed a sigh, looking around the biology room carefully. When I confirmed no one was watching, I slid the drawer open below me, where I had a web fluid trial in action. Will clocked my movement and shifted so that the open drawer was hidden on the outside of the lab table.

"I have to pee," he whined, stretching his legs behind him and slid his cheek on the table, eyes peering at me through the old, foggy science goggles, hair bunched up around the elastic strap.

"Get your face off there, that's disgusting," I smacked his hip, bending over discreetly to stir my experimental mix with my other hand. It wasn't reacting, which meant it was probably a bust. I needed my webs to be stronger. "If you have to pee so bad then just go."

"Oh yeah, I'll pee right here in class," Will laughed, face peeling off of the counter, sticking to the shiny surface like hands with too much hand sanitizer.

"I'm sure the teacher would love that," I rolled my eyes, stirring faster, trying to get the mix to at least froth. Will smirked and cocked his head to glare at our droning science teacher a couple counters away, where three girls were pointing out the differently parts of the digestive tract in their dead pig. Thankfully we had finished our quiz on it during yesterday's class. Will hated this part of biology. The dead-animal-dissections, that is. The smell of the formaldehyde burn your nose and left a sour taste in your mouth. For someone who wanted to work in a hospital, he was particularly put out by the inner workings of baby pigs. Not that I could blame him. The experience was disgusting.

"I'm so bored, and I have to pee so bad," Will complained, gripping the edge of the counter, stretching his long ass legs. I frowned at my mixture, stirring just a bit faster, and then jumped when it puffed up in a cloud of translucent, milky white slime, overflowing over the sides of the jar it was in. Will stifled a laugh as I stared helplessly.

"If you're so bored," our greying teacher appeared, making me flinch and slam the drawer shut, "Then maybe you could finish that worksheet in front of your face," he finished, pointing at Will's half empty reflection worksheet from the lab.

Will slumped at the jab and picked up his pencil, lips pouting, "Yes sir."

"Good job, Di Angelo," the teacher praised, nodding at me. I gave him a tight lipped nod, silently wondering what I was supposed to do with the mess I created in the drawer.

"Good job, Di Angelo, here's full marks," Will mocked as the teacher walked over to a table of four boys laughing at swinging pig-parts around in their tongs, laughing obnoxiously. "When did you even get that done, you've been making web fluid this whole time," He pouted, stabbing my arm with his pencil.

"Shhh," I hissed, nodding at the two girls on the other side of the table on their phones, worksheets done.

"What?" Will whispered back, snappy, "it's not like they care."

I rolled my eyes, picking up my blue mechanical pencil and scribbling my name in the corner of the worksheet, "I did it while you were busy whining like a baby. What, are you from Ottowah?" I snorted.

"Don't use Canadian geography in your bad dad jokes, Nico, it's not funny," Will glared, "now lemme copy," his hand shot forward and snagged my paper. I let him, because I was a good friend, and opened the drawer back up. The web fluid was pooling over a pile of printer paper, and it seemed to be hardening. God, what a mess. I'd have to come back at lunch and sneak in to clean it up. What a hassle.

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