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Nico, Jason and Reyna in university, Nico meeting will for the first time


"That movie was absolute shit," Nico stated, stepping out of the theatres. He hadn't even wanted to go that night, but assumed that his friends would beg him until he came.

The strong smell of popcorn slowly disappeared as they hopped down the steps, and Nico jumped off the last couple steps,

"Ok it wasn't that bad, you're just insanely judgmental," Jason pointed his index finger right at Nico's nose, making him go cross eyed. Nico shoved his shoulder, irritated, but not arguing. Jason and Reyna laughed as he pouted, and then Jason exaggerated a shiver.

"It's fricking freezing out here, it's only November for gods sake!" He shrugged his denim jacket on and blew into his hands.

"It's not that cold, you're just a baby," Reyna mocked Jason, albeit she was putting her jacket on as well.

"That is a fact," Nico stated, laughing at his best friends. Jason faked offensive,

"Oh I see how it is, let's all team up on Jason until he cries," he waved his hands in the air, like jazz hands, and then looked both ways before crossing the intersection.
It was getting dark, just after sunset, and the college students hadn't eaten since lunch.

"God I'm starving," Nico shivered too, but hid it so Jason would say 'I told you so'.
"Do you think we could get some food before we head back to the apartment? I'm pretty sure we're out of food."

Nico, Jason and Reyna shared an apartment together, as they all were in their second year of university. Nico should've been studying right now, but, once again, he was forced to go to a shitty movie. They were so tight on money that they couldn't even afford the overpriced popcorn, arguably the best part of going to a movie.

"Yea, I'm hungry too, and I don't really feel like hearing you two complain all night, let me see whats close to us," Reyna said, pulling her phone out and squinted at the screen. Nico quickly grabbed onto her arm to help her weave around the traditional New York human traffic. All the stores signs around them were lighting up as it got dark.

"I'm really craving a burger of some sort," Jason put in, still rubbing and blowing into his bare hands. Nico rolled his eyes and handed him a small pair of black gloves. Jason scoffed,
"Where were you 2 minutes ago when I was complaining?"

"Letting you freeze," Nico replied, smirking and guiding his two friends around a huge group of humans.

"What type of friend are you?" Jason slipped on the gloves and glowered at the shorter boy. Nico shrugged,

"A funny one?"

"I agree," Reyna chuckled, clicking and squinting, bringing her phone unhealthily close to her eyes.

"Do you need my glasses over there Ra ra?" It was Reyna's turn to shoot a glare at the blonde boy, and then looked at Nico, who was watching the tennis match. Reyna and Jason had gone out for a bit during their first year after they graduated together, but decided to stop because they were better as friends.
They met nico right before the breakup, lonely and confused, and took him in. He had moved from Italy to go to this school- and to get away from the pain of his sisters death- and didn't know where he was going most of the time. Thankfully he had known a substantial amount of English after learning it for years and ask about where things were.
Now he was near perfect, and the only mistakes he made were accidentally sliding into Italian when he spoke to fast.
Their relationship, on the other hand, had gone back as friends, and there wasn't any tension anymore. Reyna discovered she was bi (and rather aggressively at a certain university party), and Jason had a new girlfriend named piper.

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