Spider-Man is constantly being outed (Pt.6)

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Nico's pov

I don't have a lot of free time, being a student with all university level classes during the day, a crime fighting super hero in the afternoon (and sometimes night), and the boyfriend of a clingy man named Will Solace.
I was busy, so time moved fast. Not that I minded, of course; I liked to move and do things so I didn't have a lot of time to think.

So, my first three weeks in an established relationship with my best friend (wow!) went by in the blink of an eye, and I barely remembered any of it. We only had two weeks of school left, so exams were looming and culminating essays and projects were due any second. Anxiety weakened student's bones and tore at the skin on the side of nails, bloody and bruised and shaking as they pulled all nighters to study and plug their papers into grammarly one last time.

Somehow, I managed to get a boy in my room. My boy, to be more specific. Thankfully we were still allowed to have sleepovers because:

A) I am not out to my step mother or father
B) Naomi trusts us to a fault.

Naomi was also an advocate for mental health and decided we needed a break from the non-stop cramming and told me to take a day off patrol because "New York won't explode without you in one night, Nico. God, you're gonna run yourself ragged."

So we were both in my room on a warm, almost-summer night, and it was Friday, and wow, I really was in love. I felt like I needed to blast The Cure and dance around and shake out the excitement, but that would probably be too on the nose. A little too cliche and 80s-movie-esque.

I finally felt light, which was strange, because I had important marks to uphold that could be chopped in half with a battle ax in the span of two weeks, but I really did. The weight of all the lies I told and guilt I held on my shoulders was finally attached to balloons full of helium and set free; my two biggest secrets were revealed to Will and I was ok. I was really ok. The metaphorical sky didn't cave in. Better yet, I was happier, safer, and dating the man I've been in love with for years.

And it was all just perfect, wasn't it? We were best friends, first and foremost, so if our romance ever fell through we had that unbreakable backbone to rely on and pull us through. The fear of losing each other was gone.
I see him every day at school, and every day after patrol for him to stick hello kitty bandaids on my knees and elbows and kiss my bruises better (no matter how embarrassing).
And, of course, I apologized to him for ghosting him (even if it was forgotten after our first kiss) and now we were finally back to being 'Will and Nico', Nico and Will, except even more so because we are now dating (dating!!).

And it's all... normal. There is no added pressure that commitment in a relationship might provide because we are so used to being with each other. We've been best friends for so god damn long, nothing could be awkward, nothing was forced, and it all felt the same! Except the hand holding and cuddling and kissing... although we kind of cuddled at sleepovers before anyways... and held hands to drag the other somewhere as well...
Ok, so maybe just the kissing was new, but the kissing was Fantastic so I couldn't complain at all. It was always perfect.

So it was Friday, and I was thinking sappy things because this was our second sleepover since we have started dating, and I didn't need to be Spider-Man, because Spider-Man was allowed breaks, too. Plus, Persephone was working and then going to dinner with friends (Naomi included) so we were at the apartment all alone. It wasn't awkward or unnatural, but relaxing, because I didn't have to worry about anything (or anyone). I could kiss Will and be Spider-Man in the comfort of my home, we could laugh loudly without being scolded and listen to blasting music, and make a poorly made, messy dinner together without the pressure of cleaning up right away.

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