Solangelo convos and co. Part 7

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Here we go again

*Nico walking over to the Apollo table at lunch*

Kayla: Nico's a lesbian!

Nico: what.


Nico: wait a sec I need to grab something from my boot before I go
Nico: *pulls out a machete*


Will: go on, get out there

Nico: the forest is full of wolves and dogs, I can't tell the difference between them!

Will: just bring your knife!

Nico: I'm not gonna run up and stab someone's PET.


Nico: don't worry babe, I'll get you some throwing stars

Will: I'm just walking in a forest it's not that dangerous


Will: you're telling me. You killed a fish.

Nico: I'm not proud of myself either


Nico: I never thought of mrs O'Leary as a killer, but I guess she was...

Will: Nico she dragged dead animals to your doorstep every single day last week.


Will: is that- it's that a WORM???

Nico: that is a scratch. Why on earth would there be a worm on me?

Will: there's so many worms at my house right now I'm paranoid— anyways


Nico: and they took my pea shooters and they took my peas and we were SO. MAD.
Nico: anyways don't pea shoot cops


Nico: maybe you shouldn't call children strippers

Apollo: but he throws like a stripper!

Will: wtf

Apollo: I called you a stripper your whole childhood you should be used to it by now

Will: I feel like at this point you're using stripper as a substitute to call me gay


Magnus: I'm perfect. God made me perfect

Alex: says the atheist

Magnus: the Flying Spaghetti Monster made me perfect


Apollo: I have a warehouse of propofol!

Will: what????

Apollo: yeah, the stuff Michael Jackson k*lled himself with! Want some??


Nico: *literally just sitting there*

Kayla: you look like a homosexual piano player


Chiron: I want to start a Bhutanese archery club at camp!
Chiron: too bad people always end up getting hit with arrows. And it would violate like 8 camp rules.


Online teacher: alright kids! Kitchen safety with BTS in the kitchen! :)

Will: kitchen safety with WHO-


*Nico and Will trying to cook together*

Nico: can tin foil go in the oven...?

Will: are you stupid?!? It's called tin foil for a reason!

Nico: what

*Piper and Annabeth baking out of spite*

Piper: we're making pie and cleaning because we're going back to our roots

Annabeth: we're making pie because we are WOMEN

*glares at Percy and Jason in the corner who made (1) derogatory joke*


*reyna whenever Jason pissed her off*

Reyna, letter format: Dear Jason you piece of fucking shit.
I am sorry you hate women and because of that never get your Dick sucked. I'm sure you are acting like this because you're sexually frustrated, so I'll let it slide.
Lots of love from a hot bitch who will never love you,


Will, rolling up to Nico during the Titan war:  You like bad boys on mopeds?


Online teacher:  We're cosplaying colonizers today !

Nico: That seems horribly inappropriate we should not do that


Reyna teaching kids how to cook: I could beat you all with how long the handle is. I have a LONG handled whisk.


Will: fun fact!
Will: Alabama has legalized teaching kids yoga in school! It was banned before because they thought it was a gateway to Hinduism!!

Nico: what the fuck...

These have no purpose what so ever but I still think they are fun

I'm planning the next Spiderman one shot rn everyone cool ur jets


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