Quarantine- part 3

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Nico and Will are still in quarantine- Will wants to teach Nico how to drive because he just got his drivers license and he's excited about it

"I really do not think it's necessary," Nico frowned, crossing his arms. Any other person would be thrown off by Nico's glare, but Will couldn't help but laugh. Nico was sitting cross legged on Will's bed, in Will's sweat pants and socks. Even though he was 16, he looked like a child.

"Of course it's necessary Neeks! Do you really think you can rely on me to drive you around for the rest of your life?" Will stood in front of Nico, waving his arms around like a mad man. He didn't actually mind driving Nico around. He loved going on long drives with Nico (which have become very frequent due to the pandemic) with the windows down and music blasting. Nico liked to prop his feet up on the dashboard- even though Will had told him that it was dangerous a billion times- and Will would hang his free hand out the window, fingers threading through the wind.

"Well if you don't drive me I'll just summon my driver," Nico dismissed, frown melting into a pout.

"Jules-Albert will get bored of you."

"Well I'm bored of you!" Nico snapped, lying. He turned away and faced the window rather than Will. Will sighed and stepped to the side of the bed, sitting beside Nico. The other boy avoided eye contact and kept his dark eyes trained on the windowsill.

"Well I think you're scared," Will remarked calmly, poking Nico's ribs. He squirmed and jumped back.

"I'm not scared!" He shouted defensively, throwing himself off of the bed. He scrambled to his feet and glared like Will had physically wounded him.

"You totally are," Will stood, smirking. He stepped into Nico's space and poking his cheek.

"Am not!"

"Prove it then," Will egged on.

"Fine! I WILL!" Nico shouted, lifting up on his tippy toes to get into Wills face. As if him on his tippy toes was intimidating. Not even in his chunky black boots. Just soft grey socks.

"LETS GO THEN!" Will shouted back, eyes dancing with laughter.

"FINE!" Nico yelled angrily, a dark aura beginning to spread around him.

"I LOVE YOU!" Will copied Nico's tone of voice.


Will barked a laugh and scooped Nico up off the floor, throwing him over his shoulder. Nico yelped as he was flung.
"Will! You fucking micro-dick!" He pounded on Will's back with his fists and kicked his feet in the air uselessly.

"You wound me," Will laughed, spinning and walking around the bed. He noticed his succulents wilting on his desk.
"Can you quit the dark magic neeks? You're killing the house plants."

"Good!" Nico shrieked, nearly upside down with all his squirming.

"I thought you loved Baz and Simon?"

"Fuck them! Fuck you!"

Will shook his head laughing, walking out of his room.
His mom was standing at the end of the hallway with her eyebrows raised in concern.

"Hey mum! Taking Nico out to learn how to drive!" Will said cheerily, pointing at the boy over his shoulder.

"Naomi! Save me!" Nico shrieked, face going red from laughing and yelling and being held partially upside down.

"I heard you yelling-"

"Because he's kidnapping me!"

"I'm not kidnapping him," Will sighed, the grin on his mouth beginning to hurt. He couldn't make it go away.

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