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Louis groaned as he wipe the drool that was pooling at the side of his mouth. He was disgusted at himself at first but his head jolted up once he took a glance at the window seeing it was already night time. He blindly reached out to grab his phone only to see a bunch of missed calls from Harry and his text messages were shown.

Louis quickly pulled out his sweater and coat seeing it was raining hard outside as he typed a reply to Harry.

To: My Hazza


He typed back and smiled as he pressed the send button. Louis roamed around the living room searching for his keys when he was stuck in place as he caught the image of the broken frame that was placed at the top of the desk.

Louis gulped and slowly made his way to the desk completely ignoring the shattered frame. He opened the drawer and took out the keys as his eyes landed on the broken picture frame.

Harry's smile.

It was the first thing he noticed. The picture was one of the most memorable pictures because it was taken during their first anniversary together. Harry's dimples were evidently shown and the love in their eyes were evident too. Louis' smile fell once he realized that the frame was still broken and there were still broken glasses sticking out of it.

To say that Louis became nervous once the picture frame broke this morning was an understatement.

He wasn't the type of guy who believes in sayings and or premonitions, but something about a breaking glass especially a photo of him and Harry made his heart speed fast. That was why he was acting really weird that morning, not wanting for Harry to push through his event because he's scared that something bad will happen to him.

He placed his hands on Harry's dimples on the photo and smiled sadly but as he was doing so, a piece of glass pricked his fingers that caused a tiny amount of blood drip out of his fingers. The blood dropped at Harry's cheek on the photo and right then and there all the colors from Louis' face was drained out and he could feel his entire body trembling. He quickly closed the drawer and grabbed his phone and called Harry.

Louis was practically sprinting as he reached his car, phone still in his ear as he tried calling Harry's mobile.

"Harry, please answer....FUCK!" Louis swore as he redialed Harry's number again he quickly made his way into the driver's seat and pressed into the gas as his car's engine went roaring on the driveway.

His hands were trembling as he redialed Harry's mobile for the nth time. Each passing moment that Harry wasn't answering his phone, Louis' mind kept on thinking about stuffs that aren't good. He could feel his whole body trembling and his eyes were about to release a tear but he tried calming his self down to the idea that maybe Harry was just eating and his phone was in silent that's why he wasn't answering. He turned on his phone's GPS app to find where Harry's phone is so that he can locate where he is and know where he'll drive to. He got the exact place and he sped up not minding the honks of angry drivers behind him and continuously cursing the rain for pouring so loud.

"Call Liam!" Louis shouted at his car's sensor which was attached to his phone and immediately he heard ringing.

"Hey, mate! How's everything going—" Liam's cheerful tone irritated Louis and he cut him off

"LIAM! I swear, I think Harry's in danger!" Louis shouted inside his car as he sped past the cars on the freeway

"Hey hey hey woah calm down, mate. What are you talking about?"

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