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"I remember how I approached you that night at the bar when we first met." Louis was looking from afar, trying to entertain his self and trying not to cry "Some people might think that this is corny, but I felt like I really saw an angel. A friend of mine thought that the reason why I came to you that night was to get someone to snog with, but no. I wanted to know you even more. Wanted to know what makes you smile, what makes you sad, what type of cereal do you eat every morning... everything. That's why I asked you to leave the bar with me that night. When it was only the both of us together with the stars, I felt like my whole life suddenly turned around." Louis faced Harry this time "You made my life wonderful, Harry."

Harry blinked in response totally in shock of what was happening.

His head started throbbing and he feels a lump on his throat

Louis continued "And then I got to know who Zayn is in your life." Louis smirked "I remember thinking that what if I met you before Zayn does? Then maybe this beautiful creature in front of me won't have to suffer. But I also thought that everything happens for a reason. I so badly want to punch Zayn on the face when you told me how he cheated on you with your friend. I wanted for him to pay for making my angel cry. Harry, you don't deserve to be treated like that. You're like a gem."

Harry recalled his outbreak earlier about what Zayn did to him. The way how Nick's words struck like bullets and how he remembers clearly now what really happened between the both of them.

He just couldn't take it anymore.

"Louis... Please stop..." Harry gasped but Louis didn't mind what he said

"I didn't get the chance to beat Zayn up. But I thought that I could just turn your life upside down, start it all off and make you realize how precious you are. I'm more than willing to be your rock, Harry. I decided to give and show everything that Zayn didn't let you see. Show you the world and make you feel like you deserve everything that life offers you."

Louis wiped a stray tear that came down from his eyes "I wanted to show you how much I love you and that I am here to support you always. That's why when we were officially dating I told to myself the geez, I'm a lucky fella. A Harry Styles just fell inlove with me." Louis chuckled but a tear fell down from his face again "I'm not a perfect man, Harry. Hell, I can't even make my own life worth living. But when I found you, you gave me strength. You make me strong, Harry."

Harry couldn't take it anymore, he vividly remembers things that Louis is saying right now and all these new informations are eating him alive.

Louis looked into Harry's eyes and took a deep breath "And then the time came wherein I was so sure that I wanted to spend my whole life with you. I could see my future with you, Haz. We've been through ups and downs. We've come so far. We're still together and still going strong." Louis sighed "Last year on the 28th of September I brought you in this exact place..."

"Louis... Louis, please stop..." Harry croaked out. But Louis didn't even flinch.

"You were so pissed at me that day because I let you drive here all alone and you thought that I was just joking around. On a breezy day, when sands were tickling through our toes and the sun was setting magnificently from afar us as waves crash through the shore, I asked my best friend for 5 years then the easiest question that he needs to answer..."

Luis wiped his tear and got the velvet box out of his pocket. Harry was shocked at what Louis was holding, he was about to talk and halt everything but then Louis talked...

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