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Holmes Chapel, Cheshire.

Harry sighed happily as he read the placard welcoming him to his hometown.

2 days had passed since him and Louis fought and neither of them have contacted nor seen each other inside those 2 days.

Harry went out that day to get some fresh air and to rethink everything. He came back that night and saw the house was empty not even a single light was turned on. He assumed that Liam and Louis must've been out drinking somewhere and might be home in the morning or so but when morning arrived, Harry patiently waited for them to come barging in the front door only to be disappointed when seeing it was Niall who came barging in the front door.

Harry opened up to Niall what happened and Niall wasn't happy. Of course. Who would be? Even Harry himself was disappointed by the way he acted. Guilt was washing through his body as he reminisced the catastrophe that happened. Harry tried contacting Louis but his calls were blocked. Niall tried reaching out to Louis as well but everytime he mentions Harry's name, the Doncaster lad would hang up on him. Liam arrived that night and gave Harry a sympathetic smile. Harry asked Liam if he was with Louis all day, Liam nodded but refused to give out informations and thought that it would be best if the two would distance themselves from each other and re-think their actions. A decision that Harry complied that's why he was now at his own hometown.

Harry phoned in his mum earlier today and told her that he was coming over and was going to spend several days there. His mum was beyond the moon excited but she can definitely sense that there was something going on.

Harry parked his car on their driveway and he furrowed his eyebrows at the sight of his childhood home. He last remembered their house as a simple brown and white colored two-floored house. But as he look at it now, it was remodeled and already had a porch in front and there were small plants on the lawn. Harry shrugged away the discomfort and realized that a lot has really happened in the 6 years he had forgotten. Harry stepped up to the porch and rang the doorbell twice and was greeted by his mum who was smiling from ear to ear.

"Harry! You're finally here!" Anne said as she tiptoed to reach her son's height and practically tackling Harry into a hug.

"Hi mum." Harry said as he chuckled and hugged his mother back.

Anne gestured for Harry to come inside and out of old habit, as Harry stepped inside he quickly removed his boots and placed it neatly on the rack and removed his coat. His mum smiled at seeing that Harry somehow remembered his old manners back from when he was a kid.

"This place looks so much different from the last time I remembered it to be." Harry said as he walked inside the living room.

"Well, you forgot 6 years of your life. Of course a lot has changed." A female voice was heard and Harry immediately glanced at the girl who was leaning on the wall near the stairs.

"Gemma." Harry said and smiled at her sister while making his way to her to hug her. Harry practically squished his older sister when hugging her which made the both chuckle.

"I see cuddling!" a man approached Harry and Harry immediately recognized his step-father, Robin. Harry smiled and hugged the old man also.

It was nice, Harry thought. Finally he was surrounded by people he was really familiar with. People who he clearly remembers. Harry thought that it would be nice for him to stay here for a while since it'd help him recover more. Away from stress and dramas.

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