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I'm sorry if I say I need you

But I don't care I'm not scared of love

Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker

Is that so wrong?

Is it so wrong?

That you made me strong.

Louis closed the small black notebook and carefully placed it back inside the metallic pink box. As of now, the box wasn't given to Harry yet. Louis didn't want Harry to have it yet since he still doesn't remember Louis and also Louis thought about adding more stuffs inside the box. The other day, he decided to print out some pictures of him and Harry from their very first date up till the last and he placed it inside the box.

As time passes by, the box was like a memory box. He would've showed it to Harry but he won't cause he thinks that it's still too soon and he haven't finished writing the black notebook yet. He wants it to be special, he wants it to be memorable. He smiled as he closed the box and placed the whole box inside his cabinet. He glanced at the time on his phone and breathed heavily.

It was a week since Louis and Harry decided that they should go out and date again. Of course, Louis was so happy that Harry gave him a chance to date him again without the awkwardness between them but at the same time Louis was also nervous. It must be silly knowing that they've been together for 6 years now but this one's different. Harry doesn't remember a thing and that's why Louis needs to put double the effort as to what he gave when he was still courting Harry 6 years ago. He needs to prove once again that he's worth it even though he was about to marry the lad a month ago.

There's no choice actually.

It was a week ever since, but Louis and Harry haven't dated properly yet. They've done movie dates at home by just the two of them and Harry thought Louis how to cook. The boys played endless rounds of FIFA together with Niall and Liam and played numerous types of board games or whatsoever. Everything was done at home for the week because Harry still has his cast on and the Doctor wanted Harry to lay low first.

But today is a special day for Louis.

Harry and Niall are now at the hospital because Harry has an appointment and his cast will finally be removed. And as planned, after the two boys went back home, Harry and Louis will be having their proper dinner date at a proper restaurant this time. Everything's set. Louis already called the restaurant twice today just to make sure that their seats are reserved. Louis already picked out what he's wearing and he already washed his hair this morning so he can style it easily later.

"Woah, what's with all of these?" Liam asked as he entered the room.

Louis took a look at the scattered papers sprawled out on the bed and his clothes that was thrown away awhile ago while he was looking for something to wear for their date tonight was also scattered on the floor and on the bed.

"M'trying to find something to wear for tonight." Louis said as he started piling the papers and threw them in the trash bin.

"What's with tonight?" Liam asked curiously.

Though Niall and Liam are now practically living with Harry and Louis, the both of them decided to not pry with their relationship. Yes, they're all friends and they should know what's happening but that doesn't mean that they have to know every single thing. Niall and Liam would just walk around the house and they'd be surprise that Harry and Louis would either be laughing their asses out or they're either bickering about something small.

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