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The light shining directly to my eyes annoyed the shit out of me. I grumbled and lazily rubbed my eyes and squinted them.

My head was pounding and my mouth tasted disgusting.

I tried getting up but every time I try, it seems like the entire room was spinning.

Room? How could I be in a room? Louis' shot up from the bed at his thought which made him regret his actions because his head was pounding and he was about to puke. He immediately ran to the bathroom that was inside the room and puked his guts out. Louis was panting as he chase his breath and recover from his vomiting episode. He moved to the sink and washed his face with cold water and gargled.

Louis didn't remember anything from last night. His last memory was when he drove to the bar near their house back in London and cried his self out while he chugged down countless alcohols. He squinted his eyes and inspected his surroundings.

He recognized that he's only wearing his boxers, his hair was disheveled and one thought came into his mind.

Oh shit. Oh no. Fuck fuck fuck no! He thought.

He couldn't possibly had sex with some random girl or lad last night, didn't he? Yes he's mad at Harry and Harry doesn't even remember a thing about him, but he's sure as hell that he can't and would never cheat on Harry in a drunken state or not.

Louis immediately made his way back into the room panicking while looking for his clothes. He was looking under the bed and only found his shoes when a soft knock was heard on the door and Eleanor walked in. Louis immediately covered his bulge with a pillow and it's as if a truck hit him. His eyes widened at Eleanor's clothes. She was wearing a t-shirt that's way too big for her the hem reaching the half of her legs. Louis couldn't even decipher if she was even wearing shorts.

"D-Did something h-happen?" Louis nervously asked Eleanor. His mind was racing not only because he possibly cheated on Harry, but he possibly cheated with Harry's assistant. And that's not good.

Eleanor's eyes widen and she immediately shook her head making Louis sigh "N-No! I'm sorry, Louis. I-I mean Mr. Tomlinson. Nothing happened, I swear. You were really drunk last night when I saw you at the bar and when we were about to start a conversation, you passed out. I was out with my friends and I asked for their help to get you into a cab. I decided to bring you here in my house because I don't know where exactly you live."

Louis sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "Where's my clothes?" He asked.

"They're on the dryer. You puked on them when we got there and they were soaked so I decided to wash them so it'll be ready when you wake up." Eleanor said. "I am really sorry if I didn't even ask you if it's alright for me to bring you here but you were really drunk and—"

Louis shook his head and interrupted Eleanor "No, it's fine. And I should be the one thanking you. I would've been laying down on the bar's bathroom right now if it wasn't for you." Louis said sincerely and smiled at Eleanor.

Eleanor bit her lip and Louis saw that the girl was looking at his bare chest. Louis immediately covered his body "Uhh, would you mind for me to get my clothes? It's uh kinda chilly." Louis reasoned out.

Eleanor composed herself "Oh, Uh no! I'll get it. Wait a sec." Eleanor stormed out of the room and Louis let out a sigh of relief.

He wasn't dumb or even unaware of the fact that Eleanor finds him attractive. Harry has been pointing that out countless of times every time he comes home from work. Every time Louis goes by Harry's office and ask Eleanor where Harry is, the girl would often bat her lashes and flirt with him. But Louis doesn't care at all. He haven't completely flicked Eleanor off and even Harry even though they noticed that the brunette girl was obviously crushing on Louis. Louis and Harry wants to keep things professional and as long as Eleanor doesn't come in their way, there's no reason in flicking the girl off. That's why Louis finds this situation really sticky and awkward.

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