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"Good job, lads! That was nice!" Louis said through the microphone on the recording table as he watched the 5 seconds of summer boys remove their headsets and made their way out of the recording booth.

"That song was great, Louis." Luke, one of the member of the band, complimented Louis as soon as he stepped out of the booth.

Louis smiled, his eyes wrinkling on the side. "Hey, a good song and a good artist makes up a good record, yeah? Well done boys!" Louis patted each of the boy's backs as he congratulates them.

Louis have just finished writing some of the songs for the band's upcoming album and for Louis to be a part of big things like this really made him proud of himself. He was aware that he was making a name in the industry but Louis doesn't recognize his fame not unless he would hear the people's opinion about the songs he wrote.

"The songs were great, Tomlinson. Glad to have you back on track!" Eddie, the sound producer, complimented him.

"I was never out of the track, ed. I just took a time off." Louis shrugged and pat the man on the back "I gotta go. Thanks for today though! You did great too." Louis offered his knuckles at Eddie and Eddie quickly fist bumped Louis in return.

Louis got his bag from the couch and made his way to the parking lot. He opened his car and started the ignition as he swiftly drive his way back to his house.

Louis went back to the house 3 days after he spent his time by the beach. As soon as he went home that day, he readied his self since he knew that Harry would be back in the house once he got home. But to his surprise, the house was empty when he arrived. He texted Niall to ask where Harry was and the boy said that he was staying in Holmes Chapel for awhile. At first, Louis was a bit sad since he expected that Harry would be home when he gets there and maybe they could talk things out. But as the days passed by, Louis have come to the decision that maybe it was best for them to take their time off together and work on their personal issues before they get to resolve their problem as a couple. As the days passed by, Louis became accustomed to the emptiness of the house. Liam and Niall weren't living there anymore since Harry isn't even around anymore giving Louis the space all to himself. Sure it gets lonely but he tried going back to work and finishing the songs that he was writing for his job and eventually got used to the routine.

It wasn't that long actually. It was only 2 weeks ever since the big fight, but it felt like eternity for Louis as he got used to his daily routine of him being alone.

But this day was different.

Louis furrowed his eyes as he saw Harry's car on their house's driveway. Louis immediately parked his car on the side of the street, got down and walked to the front of his house. He slowly opened the door, his heart beating. There was no one on the living room which was strange he was about to go upstairs and check when he heard someone cussing on the kitchen.

Louis knew that it was Harry. The Doncaster lad knows Harry's voice so well. He slowly made his way to the kitchen, his heart pounding. Louis then saw Harry on the other side of the counter making tea. Louis awkwardly looked at Harry which the younger lad did also. His face was shocked when he saw Louis.

"H-Hi." Harry said as he continued stirring his tea.

"Hey." Louis said in his soft voice.

"Want some tea?" Harry asked

Louis shrugged "Nah, I'm good."

Harry shifted from his place awkwardly "Oh... Okay."

Louis didn't know what to do. He didn't know that Harry was going to arrive today. Hell, he didn't even expect that Harry would still go back to their house when he comes back to London. Louis assumes that maybe Harry would either stay in Cheshire for good or rent a flat somewhere in London. But Louis never expected that Harry would still make his way back here. Louis shifted from his place not sure on what to do or say next so he did the last stupid thing that he could possibly do in times like this and that's when Louis turned around and quickly made his way out of the kitchen and up to his room.

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