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AND THAT'S A WRAP! I can't believe this story is over *cries in Irish*

I would just like to thank everyone who kept on reading this book even though I barely update and if takes forever for me to update this story.

But hey, it's done! And I honestly don't know what to do L

But anyway, here are fun facts about this story

I hope you guys would find some of this interesting and if YOU don't feel like reading this part, it's okay. J


I'll see you all very very soon!


1) Before writing this story, I really really loved watching and rewatching the movie, The Vow. Thus, having the same plot as the movie.

2) I've never really read any amnesia fics before nor have I tried written anything close to that so I was a bit nervous in writing this thing at first.

3) I wasn't that proud at first in putting this story out on wattpad. This is my first ever Larry fic, btw. There's like a ton of other good larry fics so I was really nervous and thought that this'll not be as good as those.

4) Zayn wasn't originally the bad guy in this book hehe. I've always thought about him being a part of the squad, like he'd be a close friend of Louis or what. But as the story goes on, I've decided that Zayn could properly portray Harry's ex boyfriend in this story

5) While I was writing this story, I've been in a major writer's block plus I was jammed with school works while I was in the middle of writing this that's why in some chapters, the events there are kinda dry (I'm sorry for that though I'm planning to edit this fic SOON)

6) DON'T KILL ME, OKAY? But the original plan was Louis will either have an amnesia too after his accident (but then I decided not to since it'd make the story go round and around again) OR he would die. Like, I legit stopped when I was writing the scene wherein the doctors were reviving Louis because I was really contemplating if I'd let his character die or not. WELL, ATLEAST HE DIDN'T!

7) The mini black notebook was really what I wanted to be the highlight of this story. I don't know if you guys find that as the highlight? I guess not? I don't know. I feel like I didn't give it much exposure in this story not until in the end.

8) My original bias is Harry Styles in One Direction, just so you know. But I love them all so much!

9) The title was supposed to be "Black Notebook" since, as what I've said earlier, I wanted it to be the highlight but oops!

10) I HONESTLY DON'T KNOW IF THIS STORY IS GOOD ENOUGH OR WHAT? These are just random events that my silly brain have put together, and I'm glad that I pushed through writing this and sharing my work to all of you! Love love!

I honestly don't know how to thank everyone who stayed and continued reading this fic.





I'm planning on writing another Larry fic and I'll post the prologue soon but I think I'll rest first or something idk.

This is wickedyouth, thank you so much for reading this, To God be the glory!

Signing off...

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