Lilian ; Gardens

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I started walking after picking up food from the Gardens. No matter how many times I came, I always got lost in the scenery around me. It was so beautiful. Monogatari Village was in the desert, so there was not much to see. Sand and heat, maybe a few cactuses here and there. But the Seikatsu Village, where the Gardens were situated, was the total opposite. There were many trees growing strong and green, full of life. The flowers were bright and their petals would fall in a sweet and regular pattern of beautiful colours and scents.

As I got to the edge of the desert, I heard some sounds nearby. It sounded like swords hitting each others, cries of pain ; basically, the sounds of a battle. I look around me and can't seem to find another way. I continue walking, hoping the fighters wouldn't notice me. Of course, hopes are always better than reality.

"Oh would you look at that." A male voice spoke up with a deep Haite accent.

Well crap, that's an Haite. I'm dead.

"It's another girl, another one said.

- Do you think she'll run away like the other, Captain?"

They were definitely talking about Eliza. She's one of the only female fighters and she just came back from a fight. My blood boiled.

The 'Captain' shushed them.

"Girls aren't supposed to fight, it's only normal she ran away when she realized she was too weak.

- Um Captain, she killed three of us before though."

I snapped.

"Eliza was well aware of what she was doing and the only reason she ran off was because she isn't suicidal. She is a very skilled fighter so don't you say fighting isn't for girls, she heard it enough."

"Oh she can speak! And she knows the other fighter girl... Eliza." The 'Captain' said.

Well fuck I just told the enemy my sister's name.

I stayed silent and sat on the ground. All the Haite looked at me oddly. I saw a few dead bodies from Sylphees around me.

"What are you doing?" The 'Captain' said. I felt a need of sarcasm.

"Oh I'm making a cult to revive all the Sylphees you've ever killed. Honestly what do you think I'm doing? I'm waiting for you to kill me."

The 'Captain' chuckled.

Wait a second. He CHUCKLED??? What?

"What is it, Captain?" One of the warriors said.

"I like her, bring the Sylphee back to the Mountains." The 'Captain' replied.

"Wait what?" I started as a strong built Haite picked me off the ground. "I don't recall approving to this!"

"It's not a choice you're getting." The man who held me up spoke.

"This is why I don't like men." I mumbled, throwing him a death glare.

I recieved a few looks before I realized what was going on.

"Oh... I said that out loud didn't I?" I awkwardly asked.

"Yeah" the 'Captain' said.

After a moment of silence I shot out.

"Hey Captain what's your name?

- Call me Captain Totsuzen." He replied.

I nodded even though he was in front of me and couldn't see me.

"And what's your name, woman?" He asked, a few seconds late.

"I'm Lilian, I don't know what you plan to do with me, but I'm not doing harm to anyone.

- Yeah, no one asked, Lilian. But now that you mention it, I don't know what I'll do with you. I just decided to bring you because you're the first Sylphee that has ever sassed me and I appreciate the boldness. Are all gay Sylphees like that?

- Well aren't you just a chuckle head? That ain't got nothin' to do with anything!" I shushed him.

A got a lot of interrogative glaces.

"What?" I asked.

"What did you even say?" Captain Totsuzen asked.

I facepalmed myself.

Of course, I forgot they had a different dialect, even if we speak the same language.

"Well you are stupid, being gay is not the reason to my sassiness." I explained sighing.

That's not even a complicated sentence. They really are chuckle heads.

I didn't get the time to open my eyes that we got off the ground.

"What? And you guys have wings too?" I exclaimed.

"Oi, Captain can I knock out the Sylphee, it's getting annoying." The man holding me said.

Wow, rude. I'm a girl, you moron, not an it.

It was the last thing I thought before everything went black.


I woke up in a dark, uncomfortable cell.

"What the hell?" I muttered.

"You're awake?" A girl whispered from the cell next to mine.

Not sure if she was talking to me or not, I shifted next to the bars between our cells. I saw a head of dark, curly hair looking at me.

"I'll take that as a yes." The girl said. "Newcomers are rare, you know that right? Anyways I'm Jules, we better get to know each other, since we don't know when we'll get out... if we ever do."

"I'm Lilian." I started. "From the Monogatari Village. Which village are you from?" I asked, not recognizing the girl's face.

"I've been living here for as long as I remember, with Zack. He's asleep for the moment, but I'll present him to you after, he's in the cell next to mine." Jules said with a warm smile.

"It's fine, I'm awake." A male's voice spoke up.

"Well then hi, Zack, I'm Lilian." I told him, unsure of how long he had been awake.

"Yeah, I heard that." He chuckled softly.

Through the darkness, I could barely make out some brown waves on his head. As I looked around, I saw no one else near.

"Aren't there any guards?" I asked cautiously.

"No, they are at the doors of the prison. Anyway, good luck with getting out of those cells, they give electronic shocks if you touch them." Zack said, sighing sadly.

"I don't know why, but I have a feeling I'll get along with you two." I mumbled, before drifting back to sleep.


Yeet yeet


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