Kyojin ; Shock

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When Eliza came in the room, I couldn't help but stare at her. When I realized she was looking at me expectantly, I snapped out of it.

"Uh, yes. Sorry. It was just to say that if you have any question or need anything, you can always come to me. Is that alright?" I said, mentally facepalming.

That was pathetic. I just wanted to see her dammit.

"Yeah, thanks, Captain Soji." Her voice sounded like crafted by the angels.

"You... uhh.. You can call me Kyojin." I told her.

There you go. One thing right at least.

"Alright, Kyojin." She smiled. I felt my face heating up.

I couldn't bring myself to say more. The bond made me feel like I just wanted to grab her face and kiss her, which I was definitely not going to do.

"Actually, I have a question." Her voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Go ahead." I surprised myself. Even if I was inwardly a mess, I still was able to act as if nothing happened. As if she was nothing to me.

"Why do all our clothes fit perfectly?" She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

Cute. Wait, no, stop.

I quickly explained to her while scanning her up and down. After I stopped talking, I realized what I was doing and looked away, blushing. She fortunately didn't seem to notice, or if she did, to care.

"Sorry for interrupting your training." I said.

"Did you correctly clean you knuckles? You know, it could get infected. Pieces of rocks aren't the most sanitary thing to get in a wound. You should also bandage it just to wait for the skin to-" she cut herself and I couldn't help but smirk. "Sorry, I'm rambling." She apologized.

I kept smirking as my energy was randomly flipping around. Good thing I learned to keep it inside of me.

Stupid bond.

"Ugh, if you don't drop that smirk, I swear..." She threatened.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her cuteness. I sighed.

I should probably just tell her.

"I did nothing to my hands." I looked at the ugliness of my injuries.

"Ugh, lemme check it out." She said.

My energy flipped again. What this girl did to me was unexplainable. I laid my injured fist on the table. She took the first aid kit I always left laying around in a corner and started removing rocks from my wounds. They all started bleeding again. She then took an alcohol pad. I braced myself for the pain to come, but still slightly winced when it hit the open skin. She took a piece of gauze and wrapped it around my bleeding knuckles as the door violently burst open.

Shi stood there, panting. He must've ran here fast and from far, as he had far more cardio than most people.

"Oh, hey there..." he awkwardly said once he spotted Eliza.

"Well, I'll get going if there's nothing more, Kyojin, I hope your hand gets better." She smiled and left, while I melted and stared at the door, dumbfounded.

"I am so sorry I did not know Eliza was here." Shi said, separating each and every word.

"You're good. I probably would've ended up doing something stupid because of that stupid bond if you hadn't come." I said slouching in my chair.

"Something stupid, like what? Kissing her?" He asked smirking.

"Shut up." I said, staring at him.

Shi looked at my now bandaged hand before raising an eyebrow.

"Is it just me or did you really let someone other than your mother bandage an injury?" He asked, eyes wide.

"I'm telling you. This bond. I can't help it." I said, rubbing my face with my uninjured hand.

"Meh I lowkey shipped it before you even got bonded." Shizuka shrugged and smiled sheepishly, before I smacked him across the shoulder.

"Not cool. Not funny." I said while heat rushed to my face.

Could someone turn on the damned A/C so that I stop becoming a rotten tomato the second someone mentions Eliza, thank you.

"Says while blushing. Holy frick, I think this bond just opened your eyes on your crush or something because there is no way a single bond can make someone turn from white to crimson in a second." He chuckled, playfully punching my arm.

"Tch, make fun of me now and be sure when you get a bond, I'll be the one teasing you." I said getting up. "Anyways, you came here for a reason didn't you? There's no way you ran across the overgrounds and undergrounds for no reason."

"Right. Captain Totsuzen said that as long as you haven't got that bond thing figured out, you'll be staying in. No outside missions." He brought the older Captain's message as if it was a piece of candy.

"What? No! I don't want to stay in!" I argued.

"You're acting like a child who got denied a candy there, Kyojin." He said.

"I don't care, it's not fair!" I whined before leaning against my chair.

"They do that to each and every Captain when they get bonds, Kyo, you're no exception." Shi reasoned

I sighed in defeat.

Why now? Why a damned bond? And most of all, why with a Sylphee? What did I do to deserve this? I mean, she is attractive, and nice, and funny, and basically everything I ever asked, but, wait no what am I thinking.

"Kyojin! You're spaced out again." He waved his hand in front of my face.

"Right, I am." I said, getting up and walking to the door.

"What are you doing?" He inquired.

"Taking a walk. Maybe it'll straighten up my thoughts." I sighed.

"Alright. I guess I'll go tell the old dude that I gave you the message." Shi also sighed. "Oh and before we part, make sure that walk doesn't mysteriously end you up at E258, ay?" He added, smirking.

I shook my head, unable the small smile on my face.

You see that's the kind of teasing I love neheheheheh I'm fine I swear.
Ooh btw at the top is a lil drawing I made of Liza on my best friend's computer and I like it wayhoo.

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